Red Banner

Red Banner was a symbol of the USSR associated with the Soviet state flag.
Military units, institutions and organizations awarded with the Order of the Red Banner are referred to with the honorific title "of the Red Banner".
Civilian establishments awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour are also sometimes addressed with the "Red-Banner" honorific.

Transferable Red Banner

The Transferable Red Banner was an award for collectives, winners in socialist emulation contests at various Soviet work places. The term "transferable" means that for a given kind of competition at a given establishment or category of establishments there was a single physical copy of the award which was transferred to the next winner in the competition. There were several levels of the award, depending on the level of the socialist competition: all-Union, republican, oblast-wide, industry-wide, enterprise/institution-wide, etc.
A similar award existed in a number of other communist states.

Red banner in Soviet law

A new article, 190, was included in the Soviet criminal code in 1960s. It provided imprisonment for anti-Soviet agitation, for participation in unauthorized meetings and for defamation of the Soviet coat of arms and the Red Banner.
