40th United States Congress
The 40th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from March 4, 1867, to March 4, 1869, during the third and fourth years of Andrew Johnson's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Eighth Census of the United States in 1860. Both chambers had a Republican majority.
Major events
- March 30, 1867: Alaska Purchase
- February 24, 1868: Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
- May 16, 1868: President Johnson acquitted
- May 26, 1868: President Johnson acquitted again
- November 3, 1868: 1868 presidential election: Ulysses S. Grant defeated Horatio Seymour
- December 25, 1868: President Johnson granted unconditional pardons to all Civil War rebels
- January 20, 1869: Elizabeth Cady Stanton was the first woman to testify before Congress
Major legislation
- Three Military Reconstruction Acts, continued:
- * March 23, 1867, ch. 6,
- * July 19, 1867, ch. 30,
- * March 11, 1868, ch. 25,
- July 27, 1868: Expatriation Act of 1868, ch. 249,
Constitutional amendments
- July 10, 1868: Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution declared ratified
- February 26, 1869: Approved an amendment to the Constutiton prohibiting the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude", and submitted it to the state legislatures for ratification
- * Amendment was later ratified on February 3, 1870, becoming the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
- April 29, 1868: Treaty of Fort Laramie, , signed
- February 16, 1869: Treaty of Fort Laramie ratified
Territories organized
- July 25, 1868: Wyoming Territory organized, Sess. 2, ch. 135,
Party summary
During this Congress, Arkansas, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina, Louisiana, and South Carolina were readmitted to representation in both the Senate and the House. Georgia was readmitted with representation in the House only.
House of Representatives
- President: Vacant
- President pro tempore: Benjamin Wade
- Republican Conference Chairman: Henry B. Anthony
- Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: James Rood Doolittle
House of Representatives
- Speaker: Schuyler Colfax, until March 3, 1869
- * Theodore M. Pomeroy, elected March 3, 1869. Served for 1 day.
Senators were elected by the state legislatures every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress. Preceding the names in the list below are Senate class numbers, which indicate the cycle of their election. In this Congress, Class 1 meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring re-election in 1868 or 1869; Class 2 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring re-election in 1870 or 1871; and Class 3 meant their term began in this Congress, requiring re-election in 1872 or 1873.Alabama">List of United States Senators from Alabama">Alabama
- 2. Willard Warner, from July 13, 1868
- 3. George E. Spencer, from July 13, 1868
Arkansas">List of United States Senators from Arkansas">Arkansas
- 2. Alexander McDonald, from June 22, 1868
- 3. Benjamin F. Rice, from June 23, 1868
California">List of United States Senators from California">California
- 1. John Conness
- 3. Cornelius Cole
Connecticut">List of United States Senators from Connecticut">Connecticut
- 1. James Dixon
- 3. Orris S. Ferry
Delaware">List of United States Senators from Delaware">Delaware
- 1. George R. Riddle, until March 29, 1867
- * James A. Bayard, Jr., from April 11, 1867
- 2. Willard Saulsbury, Sr.
Florida">List of United States Senators from Florida">Florida
- 1. Adonijah Welch, from June 17, 1868
- 3. Thomas W. Osborn, from June 25, 1868
Georgia">List of United States Senators from Georgia">Georgia
- 2. Vacant
- 3. Vacant
Illinois">List of United States Senators from Illinois">Illinois
- 2. Richard Yates
- 3. Lyman Trumbull
Indiana">List of United States Senators from Indiana">Indiana
- 1. Thomas A. Hendricks
- 3. Oliver H. P. T. Morton
Iowa">List of United States Senators from Iowa">Iowa
- 2. James W. Grimes
- 3. James Harlan
Kansas">List of United States Senators from Kansas">Kansas
- 2. Edmund G. Ross
- 3. Samuel C. Pomeroy
Kentucky">List of United States Senators from Kentucky">Kentucky
- 2. James Guthrie, until February 7, 1868
- * Thomas C. McCreery, from February 19, 1868
- 3. Garrett Davis
Louisiana">List of United States Senators from Louisiana">Louisiana
- 2. John S. Harris, from July 8, 1868
- 3. William Pitt Kellogg, from July 9, 1868
Maine">List of United States Senators from Maine">Maine
- 1. Lot M. Morrill
- 2. William Pitt Fessenden
Maryland">List of United States Senators from Maryland">Maryland
- 1. Reverdy Johnson, until July 10, 1868
- * William Pinkney Whyte, from July 13, 1868
- 3. George Vickers, from March 7, 1868
Massachusetts">List of United States Senators from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- 1. Charles Sumner
- 2. Henry Wilson
Michigan">List of United States Senators from Michigan">Michigan
- 1. Zachariah Chandler
- 2. Jacob M. Howard
Minnesota">List of United States Senators from Minnesota">Minnesota
- 1. Alexander Ramsey
- 2. Daniel S. Norton
Mississippi">List of United States Senators from Mississippi">Mississippi
- 1. Vacant
- 2. Vacant
Missouri">List of United States Senators from Missouri">Missouri
- 1. John B. Henderson
- 3. Charles D. Drake
Nebraska">List of United States Senators from Nebraska">Nebraska
- 1. Thomas Tipton
- 2. John M. Thayer
Nevada">List of United States Senators from Nevada">Nevada
- 1. William M. Stewart
- 3. James W. Nye
New Hampshire">List of United States Senators from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- 2. Aaron H. Cragin
- 3. James W. Patterson
New Jersey">List of United States Senators from New Jersey">New Jersey
- 1. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen
- 2. Alexander G. Cattell
New York">List of United States Senators from New York">New York
- 1. Edwin D. Morgan
- 3. Roscoe Conkling
North Carolina">List of United States Senators from North Carolina">North Carolina
- 2. Joseph C. Abbott, from July 14, 1868
- 3. John Pool, from July 14, 1868
Ohio">List of United States Senators from Ohio">Ohio
- 1. Benjamin Wade
- 3. John Sherman
Oregon">List of United States Senators from Oregon">Oregon
- 2. George H. Williams
- 3. Henry W. Corbett
Pennsylvania">List of United States Senators from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- 1. Charles R. Buckalew
- 3. Simon Cameron
Rhode Island">List of United States Senators from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- 1. William Sprague
- 2. Henry B. Anthony
South Carolina">List of United States Senators from South Carolina">South Carolina
- 2. Thomas J. Robertson, from July 15, 1868
- 3. Frederick A. Sawyer, from July 16, 1868
Tennessee">List of United States Senators from Tennessee">Tennessee
- 1. David T. Patterson
- 2. Joseph S. Fowler
Texas">List of United States Senators from Texas">Texas
- 1. Vacant
- 2. Vacant
Vermont">List of United States Senators from Vermont">Vermont
- 1. George F. Edmunds
- 3. Justin S. Morrill
Virginia">List of United States Senators from Virginia">Virginia
- 1. Vacant
- 2. Vacant
West Virginia">List of United States Senators from West Virginia">West Virginia
- 1. Peter G. Van Winkle
- 2. Waitman T. Willey
Wisconsin">List of United States Senators from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- 1. James R. Doolittle
- 3. Timothy O. Howe
House of Representatives
The names of members of the House of Representatives are preceded by their district numbers.[List of [United States Representatives from Alabama|Alabama]]
- . Francis W. Kellogg, from July 22, 1868
- . Charles W. Buckley, from July 21, 1868
- . Benjamin W. Norris, from July 21, 1868
- . Charles W. Pierce, from July 21, 1868
- . John B. Callis, from July 21, 1868
- . Thomas Haughey, from July 21, 1868
Arkansas">List of United States Representatives from Arkansas">Arkansas
- . Logan H. Roots, from June 22, 1868
- . James M. Hinds, June 22, 1868 – October 22, 1868
- * James T. Elliott, from January 13, 1869
- . Thomas Boles, from June 22, 1868
California">List of United States Representatives from California">California
- . Samuel B. Axtell
- . William Higby
- . James A. Johnson
Connecticut">List of United States Representatives from Connecticut">Connecticut
- . Richard D. Hubbard
- . Julius Hotchkiss
- . Henry H. Starkweather
- . William H. Barnum
Delaware">List of United States Representatives from Delaware">Delaware
- . John A. Nicholson
Florida">List of United States Representatives from Florida">Florida
- . Charles M. Hamilton, from July 1, 1868
Georgia">List of United States Representatives from Georgia">Georgia
- . Joseph W. Clift, from July 25, 1868
- . Nelson Tift, from July 25, 1868
- . William P. Edwards, from July 25, 1868
- . Samuel F. Gove, from July 25, 1868
- . Charles H. Prince, from July 25, 1868
- . Vacant
- . Pierce M. B. Young, from July 25, 1868
Illinois">List of United States Representatives from Illinois">Illinois
- . Norman B. Judd
- . John F. Farnsworth
- . Elihu B. Washburne
- . Abner C. Harding
- . Ebon C. Ingersoll
- . Burton C. Cook
- . Henry P. H. Bromwell
- . Shelby M. Cullom
- . Lewis W. Ross
- . Albert G. Burr
- . Samuel S. Marshall
- . Jehu Baker
- . Green B. Raum
- . John A. Logan
Indiana">List of United States Representatives from Indiana">Indiana
- . William E. Niblack
- . Michael C. Kerr
- . Morton C. Hunter
- . William S. Holman
- . George W. Julian
- . John Coburn
- . Henry D. Washburn
- . Godlove S. Orth
- . Schuyler Colfax
- . William Williams
- . John P. C. Shanks
Iowa">List of United States Representatives from Iowa">Iowa
- . James F. Wilson
- . Hiram Price
- . William B. Allison
- . William Loughridge
- . Grenville M. Dodge
- . Asahel W. Hubbard
Kansas">List of United States Representatives from Kansas">Kansas
- . Sidney Clarke
Kentucky">List of United States Representatives from Kentucky">Kentucky
- . Lawrence S. Trimble
- . Vacant
- . Elijah Hise, until May 8, 1867
- * Jacob Golladay, from December 5, 1867
- . J. Proctor Knott
- . Asa Grover
- . Thomas L. Jones
- . James B. Beck
- . George M. Adams
- . Samuel McKee, from June 22, 1868
Louisiana">List of United States Representatives from Louisiana">Louisiana
- . J. Hale Sypher, from July 18, 1868
- . James Mann, July 18, 1868 – August 26, 1868
- . Joseph P. Newsham, from July 18, 1868
- . Michel Vidal, from July 18, 1868
- . W. Jasper Blackburn, from July 18, 1868
Maine">List of United States Representatives from Maine">Maine
- . John Lynch
- . Sidney Perham
- . James G. Blaine
- . John A. Peters
- . Frederick A. Pike
Maryland">List of United States Representatives from Maryland">Maryland
- . Hiram McCullough
- . Stevenson Archer
- . Charles E. Phelps
- . Francis Thomas
- . Frederick Stone
Massachusetts">List of United States Representatives from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- . Thomas D. Eliot
- . Oakes Ames
- . Ginery Twichell
- . Samuel Hooper
- . Benjamin F. Butler
- . Nathaniel P. Banks
- . George S. Boutwell
- . John D. Baldwin
- . William B. Washburn
- . Henry L. Dawes
Michigan">List of United States Representatives from Michigan">Michigan
- . Fernando C. Beaman
- . Charles Upson
- . Austin Blair
- . Thomas W. Ferry
- . Rowland E. Trowbridge
- . John F. Driggs
Minnesota">List of United States Representatives from Minnesota">Minnesota
- . William Windom
- . Ignatius L. Donnelly
Mississippi">List of United States Representatives from Mississippi">Mississippi
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
Missouri">List of United States Representatives from Missouri">Missouri
- . William A. Pile
- . Carman A. Newcomb
- . Thomas E. Noell, until October 3, 1867
- * James R. McCormick, from December 17, 1867
- . Joseph J. Gravely
- . Joseph W. McClurg, until July 1868
- * John H. Stover, from December 7, 1868
- . Robert T. Van Horn
- . Benjamin F. Loan
- . John F. Benjamin
- . George W. Anderson
Nebraska">List of United States Representatives from Nebraska">Nebraska
- . John Taffe
Nevada">List of United States Representatives from Nevada">Nevada
- . Delos R. Ashley
New Hampshire">List of United States Representatives from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- . Jacob H. Ela
- . Aaron F. Stevens
- . Jacob Benton
New Jersey">List of United States Representatives from New Jersey">New Jersey
- . William Moore
- . Charles Haight
- . Charles Sitgreaves
- . John Hill
- . George A. Halsey
New York">List of United States Representatives from New York">New York
- . Stephen Taber
- . Demas Barnes
- . William E. Robinson
- . John Fox
- . John Morrissey
- . Thomas E. Stewart
- . John W. Chanler
- . James Brooks
- . Fernando Wood
- . William H. Robertson
- . Charles H. Van Wyck
- . John H. Ketcham
- . Thomas Cornell
- . John V. L. Pruyn
- . John A. Griswold
- . Orange Ferriss
- . Calvin T. Hulburd
- . James M. Marvin
- . William C. Fields
- . Addison H. Laflin
- . Roscoe Conkling, until March 4, 1867
- * Alexander H. Bailey, from November 30, 1867
- . John C. Churchill
- . Dennis McCarthy
- . Theodore M. Pomeroy
- . William H. Kelsey
- . William S. Lincoln
- . Hamilton Ward, Sr.
- . Lewis Selye
- . Burt Van Horn
- . James M. Humphrey
- . Henry H. Van Aernam
North Carolina">List of United States Representatives from North Carolina">North Carolina
- . John R. French, from July 15, 1868
- . David Heaton, from July 25, 1868
- . Oliver H. Dockery, from July 13, 1868
- . John T. Deweese, from July 6, 1868
- . Israel G. Lash, from July 20, 1868
- . Nathaniel Boyden, from July 13, 1868
- . Alexander H. Jones, from July 6, 1868
Ohio">List of United States Representatives from Ohio">Ohio
- . Benjamin Eggleston
- . Rutherford B. Hayes, until July 20, 1867
- * Samuel F. Cary, from November 21, 1867
- . Robert C. Schenck
- . William Lawrence
- . William Mungen
- . Reader W. Clarke
- . Samuel Shellabarger
- . Cornelius S. Hamilton, until December 22, 1867
- * John Beatty, from February 5, 1868
- . Ralph P. Buckland
- . James M. Ashley
- . John T. Wilson
- . Philadelph Van Trump
- . George W. Morgan, until June 3, 1868
- * Columbus Delano, from June 3, 1868
- . Martin Welker
- . Tobias A. Plants
- . John Bingham
- . Ephraim R. Eckley
- . Rufus P. Spalding
- . James A. Garfield
Oregon">List of United States Representatives from Oregon">Oregon
- . Rufus Mallory
Pennsylvania">List of United States Representatives from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- . Samuel J. Randall
- . Charles O'Neill
- . Leonard Myers
- . William D. Kelley
- . Caleb N. Taylor
- . Benjamin M. Boyer
- . John M. Broomall
- . J. Lawrence Getz
- . Thaddeus Stevens, until August 11, 1868
- * Oliver J. Dickey, from December 7, 1868
- . Henry L. Cake
- . Daniel M. Van Auken
- . Charles Denison, until June 27, 1867
- * George W. Woodward, from November 21, 1867
- . Ulysses Mercur
- . George F. Miller
- . Adam J. Glossbrenner
- . William H. Koontz
- . Daniel J. Morrell
- . Stephen F. Wilson
- . Glenni W. Scofield
- . Darwin A. Finney, until August 25, 1868
- * S. Newton Pettis, from December 7, 1868
- . John Covode
- . James K. Moorhead
- . Thomas Williams
- . George V. Lawrence
Rhode Island">List of United States Representatives from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- . Thomas Jenckes
- . Nathan F. Dixon, Jr.
South Carolina">List of United States Representatives from South Carolina">South Carolina
- . B. Frank Whittemore, from July 18, 1868
- . Christopher C. Bowen, from July 18, 1868
- . M. Simeon Corley, from July 25, 1868
- . James H. Goss, from July 18, 1868
Tennessee">List of United States Representatives from Tennessee">Tennessee
- . Roderick R. Butler
- . Horace Maynard
- . William B. Stokes
- . James Mullins
- . John Trimble
- . Samuel M. Arnell
- . Isaac R. Hawkins
- . David A. Nunn
Texas">List of United States Representatives from Texas">Texas
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
Vermont">List of United States Representatives from Vermont">Vermont
- . Frederick E. Woodbridge
- . Luke P. Poland
- . Worthington C. Smith
Virginia">List of United States Representatives from Virginia">Virginia
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
- . Vacant
West Virginia">List of United States Representatives from West Virginia">West Virginia
- . Chester D. Hubbard
- . Bethuel Kitchen
- . Daniel Polsley
Wisconsin">List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- . Halbert E. Paine
- . Benjamin F. Hopkins
- . Amasa Cobb
- . Charles A. Eldredge
- . Philetus Sawyer
- . Cadwallader C. Washburn
Non-voting members
- . Coles Bashford
- . George M. Chilcott
- . Walter A. Burleigh
- . Edward D. Holbrook
- . James M. Cavanaugh
- . Charles P. Clever, from September 2, 1867 - February 20, 1869
- * J. Francisco Chaves, from February 20, 1869
- . William H. Hooper
- . Alvan Flanders
Changes in membership
The count below reflects changes from the beginning of the first session of this Congress.Senate
- replacements: 3
- * Democratic: 0 seat net loss
- * Republican: 0 seat net gain
- deaths: 1
- resignations: 2
- interim appointments: 1
- seats from newly re-admitted states: 12
- Total seats with changes: 16
House of Representatives
- replacements: 10
- * Democratic: 2 seat net loss
- * Republican: 0 seat net gain
- * Independent Republican: 1 seat net gain
- * Conservative: 0 seat net gain
- deaths: 8
- resignations: 3
- contested election: 3
- seats from re-admitted states: 32
- Total seats with changes: 44
- Agriculture
- Appropriations
- Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate
- Claims
- Commerce
- Distributing Public Revenue Among the States
- District of Columbia
- Education
- Engrossed Bills
- Finance
- Foreign Relations
- Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson
- Impeachment Trial Investigation
- Indian Affairs
- Judiciary
- Manufactures
- Military Affairs and the Militia
- Mines and Mining
- Naval Affairs
- Ninth Census
- Ordnance and War Ships
- Pacific Railroad
- Patents and the Patent Office
- Pensions
- Post Office and Post Roads
- Private Land Claims
- Public Buildings and Grounds
- Public Lands
- Representative Reform
- Retrenchment
- Revision of the Laws
- Revolutionary Claims
- Rules
- Tariff Regulation
- Territories
- Treasury Printing Bureau
- Whole
House of Representatives
- Accounts
- Agriculture
- Appropriations
- Banking and Currency
- Claims
- Coinage, Weights and Measures
- Commerce
- District of Columbia
- Education and Labor
- Elections
- Expenditures in the Interior Department
- Expenditures in the Navy Department
- Expenditures in the Post Office Department
- Expenditures in the State Department
- Expenditures in the Treasury Department
- Expenditures in the War Department
- Expenditures on Public Buildings
- Freedmen's Affairs
- Foreign Affairs
- Indian Affairs
- Invalid Pensions
- Judiciary
- Manufactures
- Mileage
- Military Affairs
- Militia
- Mines and Mining
- Naval Affairs
- Pacific Railroads
- Patents
- Post Office and Post Roads
- Private Land Claims
- Public Buildings and Grounds
- Public Expenditures
- Public Lands
- Revisal and Unfinished Business
- Revolutionary Claims
- Revolutionary Pensions and the War of 1812
- Roads and Canals
- Rules
- Standards of Official Conduct
- Territories
- Ways and Means
- Whole
Joint committees
- Conditions of Indian Tribes
- Enrolled Bills
- The Library
- Printing
- Ordnance
- Reorganize the Civil Service in the Departments
- Retrenchment
- Revise and Equalize the Pay of the Employees of Each House
- To Examine the Accounts for Repairs and Furnishing of the Executive Mansion
- Democratic
- Democratic
Legislative branch agency">List of federal agencies in the United States#Legislative branch">Legislative branch agency directors
- Architect of the Capitol: Edward Clark, appointed August 30, 1865
- Librarian of Congress: Ainsworth Rand Spofford
- Chaplain of the Senate: Edgar H. Gray
- Secretary of the Senate: John W. Forney, until June 4, 1868
- * George C. Gorham, elected June 4, 1868
- Sergeant at Arms of the Senate: George T. Brown
House of Representatives
- Chaplain of the House: Charles B. Boynton
- Clerk of the House: Edward McPherson
- Doorkeeper of the House: Charles E. Lippincott
- Messenger to the Speaker: William D. Todd
- Postmaster of the House: William S. King
- Reading Clerks: Edward W. Barber and William K. Mehaffey
- Sergeant at Arms of the House: Nehemiah G. Ordway