AVRO was a Dutch public broadcasting association operating within the framework of the Nederlandse Publieke Omroep system. It was the first public broadcaster in the Netherlands. In 2014 AVRO merged with fellow broadcaster TROS to form AVROTROS.


On 8 July 1923, Hilversumsche Draadlooze Omroep was launched by the Nederlandsche Seintoestellen Fabriek under supervision of Willem Vogt. On 21 July 1923, it provided the very first regular radio broadcast in the Netherlands. In 1927 it changed its name into Algemeene Nederlandsche Radio Omroep, followed soon by a merger with Nederlandsche Omroep Vereeniging. On 28 December 1927, the two merged broadcasters continued as Algemeene Vereeniging Radio Omroep.
In 1938, AVRO sponsored what was the strongest chess tournament ever to be held, won by Paul Keres on tiebreak over Reuben Fine.
AVRO was historically associated with the liberal pillar, a fact reflected in its longtime slogan, "promoting freedom."
On 2 September 1999, AVRO adopted its fourth and last logo that consists of the "Avro" wordmark being made up of blue stripes, except the letter "o" that is made up by a blue ball.
On 7 September 2014, AVRO were merged with its fellow broadcaster TROS to create one company known as AVROTROS.

Radio channels

Under NPO Radio 4:

AVRO Back to the Old School

AVRO Baroque around the Clock

AVRO Easy Listening

AVRO Klassiek

AVRO Het beste van het beste

AVRO Radio Festival Classique

AVRO Steenen Tijdperk Fifties

AVRO Steenen Tijdperk Sixties

AVRO Ziel en Zaligheid

AVRO Operette

Radio programmes

These are the Current Presenters Went From AVROTROS