Albania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2010

Albania selected its entry for the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 through the Festivali i Këngës competition, organised by Albanian national broadcaster Radio Televizioni Shqiptar. The 2009 Festivali i Këngës was held over four nights, from 24 to 27 December 2009, and selected the Albanian entry for the 2010 Contest, to be held in May 2010 in Oslo, Norway.

Before Eurovision

Festivali i Këngës 48

RTSH will change the format of the Festivali i Këngës contest. The contest will be held over four nights, beginning on 24 December and ending with the final on 27 December 2009 at the Palace of Congresses, in Tirana, and will be broadcast live on TVSH, TVSH Sat and over Radio Tirana.
From the 78 songs submitted to RTSH for the contest 38 have been selected to participate in the Contest. These songs will be split into two groups, based upon the experience of the singers: the "big" group will feature songs by experiences singers, while the "young" group will have less experienced artists competing.
The 2009 Contest features the return of many former artists to Festivali i Këngës: Anjeza Shahini, the winner of the 2003 contest, Rovena Dilo, winner of the 2000 contest, Besa Kokëdhima, Juliana Pasha, Flaka Krelani, Mariza Ikonomi and Kejsi Tola, winner of last year's contest all return in the "Big" group. On 12 December it was announced that a number of changes had been made to the line-up: Jorida Zaimaj was originally to take part in the Youth group with "Për ty". After her withdrawal 18 songs remain in the line-up. Besa Kokëdhima and Eliza Hoxha were to compete in the Big Group, however will also withdraw. Kokëdhima's song, "Kalorësi i dashurisë", was originally to be sung by Rona Nishliu and Pirro Çako, however was not performed, with Çako performing another song, "Një tjetër jetë", in its place. Hoxha's position remained vacant, leaving 18 songs in the "Big Group".
The hosts of the shows will be rock singer Alban Skënderaj and German TV host and singer Miriam Cani.


On 24 December the 18 songs in the "big" group will perform for the first time. On 25 December the 18 songs from the "Youth" group will perform, with a jury selecting two songs to progress to the final. On 26 December the "big" group will perform again, this time in an alternative version.

Big Group Presentation

On 24 December 2009, the "Big Group" songs performed for the first time. The show began with a choir performing modern versions of Christmas songs. Interval acts were performed throughout the show, including flamenco and performances by host Miriam Cani.

Youth Group Semi-final

The "Youth Group" semi-final was held on 25 December 2009. Two songs from the 18-strong line-up were chosen by a seven-member jury to progress to the final, along with the 18 songs of the "Big Group".
The show began with a medley of recent Eurovision winning songs, including "Believe", "Fairytale" , "My Number One" and "Wild Dances" . During the interval act a jazz ensemble and host Alban Skënderaj performed. The two performers who qualified to the final were Goldi Halili and Iris Hoxha.

Duets Presentation Evening

On 26 December 2009 the 20 finalists performed their songs once again, this time in a different version and in duets with another artist. The show began with a duet between the contest's hosts Alban Skënderaj and Miriam Cani. The title of Mariza Ikonomi's song "Vazhdoj këndoj" was changed to "La, la, la" for the remainder of the contest.


The final was held on 27 December 2009. The 18 "Big Group" songs and the two "Youth Group" qualifiers performed once again, with a seven-member professional jury selecting the winner. The winner was Juliana Pasha with the song "Nuk mundem pa ty".

At Eurovision

Albania competed in the first semi-final of the contest on 25 May, with Pasha performing 12th on stage, following the Maltese entry and preceding the Greek entry.
Juliana Pasha performed her song "Nuk mundem pa ty" in English at the contest, as "It's All About You" and won got enough points to go to the finals, finishing in 6th position. The final, revamped version of the song was released on 16 March.
At the final, Pasha performed 15th on stage, following Turkey and preceding Iceland. At the end of the voting Albania finished in 16th position, receiving 62 points.

Split results

Semi-final 1


12 points10 points8 points7 points6 points

  • 5 points4 points3 points2 points1 point
  • 12 points10 points8 points7 points6 points

  • 5 points4 points3 points2 points1 point