Albert Hauf

Albert Guillem Hauf i Valls is a Majorcan philologist, literature historian and literary critic. He is a specialist in Catalan and Occitan medieval literature.


He graduated in romance Philology in the University of Barcelona, with a grant from the Joan March Foundation. His degree dissertation consisted of an edition of the Aragonese text of the Agriculture Treatise of Palladius Rutilius Emilianus. In the same university he obtained his PhD, which was supervised by professor Martí de Riquer, with a thesis on the Vita Christi, a work of the medieval Catalan writer Francesc Eiximenis, and the medieval tradition of the Vitae Christi. This work received the Nicolau d'Olwer prize in 1977.
In 1964 he moved to Cardiff University as a lecturer in Spanish and Catalan, and subsequently was made a professor of Hispanic Studies. He initiated courses of Catalan language and literature at Cardiff. His disagreement with the policy of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher forced him to abandon the United Kingdom in 1987, when he joined the University of Valencia, where he is professor of Catalan Philology.
Since 1992 he has supervised a variety of research projects, which have been sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and by the Valencian Culture Department, concerned especially with the golden age of Valencian literature. He supervised sixteen doctorate theses up to 2007. He has organized several congresses and academical meetings: The cultural atmosphere in Valencia during the second half of the 15th century, Tirant lo Blanc and its translators, Tirant lo Blanc, James I, Ausiàs Marc, Ausiàs Marc's readings, Francesc Eiximenis, Joan Roís de Corella, The medieval historiography.
He is a member of the Valencian Academy of the Language, the Interuniversity Institute of Valencian Philology and the Institute of Catalan Studies. He was founder and president of the International Association of Catalan Language and Literature.
In addition, he has been a member of the Valencian Institute of Studies and Research, of the Anglo-Catalan Society executive board, of the University of Valencia senate ; of the Madrid National Library executive board ; of the Mossèn Alcover trust ; of the jury of the Premis Octubre Essay Joan Fuster prizes and the Letters National Prizes of the Spanish Ministry of Culture ; of the edition commission of the Francesc Eiximenis' works; of the edition commission of the Ramon Llull's works; of the editorial staff of the following journals: Estudis Romànics, Caplletra, Llengua i Literatura and of the ELLC; of the consultant board of the following journals: Révue d'Études Catalanes, Tesserae, Catalan Review, Afers, Studia Philologica Valentina and Ausa.


He has written numerous articles for journals, both popular and scientific, and has also taken part in radio and TV programs. He has worked with Martí de Riquer and Mario Vargas Llosa in a CDR about Joanot Martorell's Tirant lo Blanch.
He is the author of around two hundred research works, which appear listed in ELL, 4, 261-271. The following may be noted: