Allegheny Mountain (Pennsylvania)

Allegheny Mountain is a stratigraphic ridge that extends northeast to southwest from south of Blue Knob to a saddle point at the Savage Mountain anticline. It merges with Negro Mountain just north of the Cambria County line where the Berlin-Salisbury basin expires .
;Eastern Continental Divide : The ECD enters Allegheny Mountain south of Fraziers Pass and follows the Allegheny Backbone southwest where it leaves the escarpment toward the saddle point to the southeast between headwaters of Flaugherty and Wills Creeks, at which the ECD enters the Savage Mountain anticline.
wikiarticlewest valleysummit or other pointeast valley
Northern terminus
Fraziers Pass
US Route 30
Pennsylvania Turnpike Allegheny Mountain Tunnel
Chambersburg and Pittsburgh Survey
Raystown Branch Juniata RiverBuffalo Creek
Savage Mountain PA
Allegheny Backbone southmost ECD summit on Allegheny Mountain escarpment
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Casselman River @ Flaugherty Creek Wills Creek @ Little Wills Creek