Amber Moon

An Amber Moon is a cocktail containing Tabasco sauce, a raw egg, and whiskey or vodka. It is considered a "hair of the dog" hangover remedy, though there is no scientific evidence showing that drinking alcohol is effective as a treatment for a hangover. It is similar to a prairie oyster, another traditional hangover remedy drink made with a raw egg, though a prairie oyster does not typically contain alcohol.
The Amber Moon is featured in the 1974 mystery film Murder on the Orient Express, based on the 1934 novel by Agatha Christie. In the film, the butler Mr. Beddoes, played by John Gielgud, brings this drink to his employer, Mr. Ratchett, just prior to the discovery of the murder. Beddoes knocks on the door of the dead man's train compartment and announces, "Your Amber Moon, Mr. Ratchett." Beddoes is later questioned about the death of Ratchett by Hercule Poirot and relates, "His breakfast was his Amber Moon. He never rose until it had had its full effect." The Amber Moon in the film was prepared with vodka instead of whiskey. An Amber Moon can also be seen in the web television series Russian Doll.