Anubhuti School

Anubhuti School an ICSE - International Residential School based in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India. The school stands in the top 10 list of ISC residential schools. It is a co-educational residential school.
The School is affiliated to the CISCE, New Delhi which conducts the ICSE & ISC examinations.
School is located near by Jain Irrigation's Jain Hills, Jain Valley and Gandhi Research Foundation. Founded by visionary Founder Chairman Bhavarlal Jain through Bhavarlal and Kantabai Jain Multipurpose Foundation.

Medium of Learning

As required by the CISCE, the medium of instruction is English. Marathi and Hindi are integral to the curriculum. They are offered as second/third languages.
Recently this school achieved some awards like Green School award, prestigious Wipro Earthian Award, AICA Awards for architectural construction in the field of education.