Archdeacons in the Diocese in Europe

The archdeacons in the Diocese in Europe are senior clergy of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. They each have responsibility over their own archdeaconry, of which there are currently seven, each of which is composed of one or more deaneries, which are composed in turn of chaplaincies.
They share this task with running a local church in their area, although the Diocese in Europe was working towards a new system whereby there would be four full-time archdeacons instead. Colin Williams became a full-time Archdeacon for both the Eastern archdeaconry and that of Germany and Northern Europe in September 2015, based in Frankfurt, Germany; his successor, Leslie Nathaniel is full-time in both roles together. David Waller is now also archdeacon of two archdeaconries: Gibraltar and Italy & Malta.
In 1866, the Diocese of Gibraltar had two archdeaconries: Gibraltar and Malta. The current roles of archdeacons are set down in the diocese's 1995 constitution.

Archdeacons of Gibraltar

The archdeaconry covers the Western Mediterranean, including Andorra, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Madeira and the Balearic and Canary Islands. The area deaneries include Algarve, Puerto de la Cruz and Palma de Mallorca. In 2013, the archdeaconry synod voted to change its name to "Iberia and Gibraltar", but this change has not been effected. The Cathedral Church is that of the Holy Trinity in Gibraltar.
The archdeacon is David Waller, also of Italy and Malta.
The archdeaconry covers the Central Mediterranean including Italy, Sicily and Malta. There is a Pro-Cathedral of St Paul in Valletta, Malta.
The archdeacon in David Waller, also of Gibraltar.
The Eastern Archdeaconry covers Eastern Europe – the Greater Athens deanery, the Moscow deanery and the area for which the archdeacon takes direct responsibility. The title was Archdeacon of the Aegean until 1994.
The Archdeaconry of the Riviera was subsumed into the Archdeaconry of France. Archdeacons described as Archdeacon of the Riviera included:
The area deaneries comprise Belgium & Luxembourg and The Netherlands. There is a Pro-Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Brussels. Before the expansion of the diocese in 1980 and erection of Holy Trinity into a Pro-Cathedral, this archdeaconry was called Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
The bishop's domestic chaplain, Meurig Williams, was acting archdeacon of North-West Europe from 2012 until 2016.
The Archdeaconry of France consists of all of France and Monaco and includes the Maisons-Lafitte deanery. The archdeacon, Meurif Williams, is based in Brussels The two area deaneries are those of Lille and Mid-Pyrenees & Aude. Before the mid-to-late 1990s, the post was called Archdeacon of Northern France.
The archdeacon, Peter Potter, has been chaplain of Berne since 2008. He also served as Acting Archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe. Some sources show that Quin and Hawker were referred to as "Archdeacon in Switzerland."
Kelham has taken up the full role but is called "acting" archdeacon solely because she is older than the Church's mandatory retirement age.

Archdeacons of Scandinavia and of Germany and Northern Europe

The two area deaneries are those of Germany and The Nordic and Baltic States, including Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Estonia and Latvia.
Following the resignation of Jonathan Lloyd, the Archdeacon of Switzerland, Peter Potter, became acting archdeacon of Germany and Northern Europe until the licensing in October of Colin Williams as the new full-time Archdeacon for Eastern and Northern Europe.
From 1922 until 1929, Thomas Buckton, sometime chaplain of Nice, was Archdeacon in Spain and North Africa or Archdeacon in the Peninsula and North Africa before he was Archdeacon of Gibraltar and while there was another Archdeacon of Gibraltar in post.
From 1931 until his death on 29 June 1943, Edward Eliot was Archdeacon in Italy and the French Riviera and a canon of Gibraltar.
From 1996 until 1998, Gordon Reid, vicar-general of the Diocese in Europe and priest-in-charge at St Michael, Cornhill was Archdeacon in Europe.