Asparuhovo, Varna

Asparuhovo is a district of Varna. It is located in the southern part of the town and has a population of 27 000. In the district are located the Institute of Oceanology and the Bulgarian Ship Hydrodynamics Center, both part of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


Asparuhovo exists on the map since 1903 when it was still a village with the name of Ses Sevmes. The village was briefly renamed to Tihina in 1934 until 1936 when it received its current name. The name Asparuhovo is motivated by the fact that in 681 Asparukh of Bulgaria reached the city of Varna.
In 1976 a canal connecting lake Varna and the Black Sea was dug between Asparuhovo and the rest of Varna. The Asparuhov bridge was built at the same time above the canal so the district won't be separated from the rest of the city.

2014 Flooding

On June 19, 2014 severe rainfall in the district caused the drowning of 14 people as well as heavy infrastructure damage.