Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes

The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes is an independent French agency in charge of regulating telecommunications in France. It can be compared with the United States' Federal Communications Commission though regulation of the radio spectrum falls to ANFR. It has its head office in 14 rue Gerty Archimède in Bercy, Paris, France.


Arcep is France's Electronic Communications, Postal and Print media distribution Regulatory Authority was created on 5 January 1997, and originally called the Telecoms Regulatory Authority or ART.


Arcep is managed by a college of seven members. Three of them, including the president, are appointed by the President of the Republic, on the proposal of the Prime Minister; two members are appointed by the President of the National Assembly and the last two by the President of the Senate.
Members of the College are not dismissable, their six-year term is not renewable and their function is incompatible with any other professional activity, national mandate or public employment. They are also subject to asset declaration and interest declaration obligations.
In Europ, Arcep is member of BEREC.

Role and responsibilities

The principal missions of ARCEP are :
Arcep has the status of Independent Administrative Authority. This principal legal form that the legislator has most often chosen to build regulatory authorities.