Baebia (gens)

The gens Baebia was a plebeian family in ancient Rome. The first member of the gens who obtained the consulship was Gnaeus Baebius Tamphilus, in 182 BC. During the later Republic, the Baebii were frequently connected with the patrician family of the Aemilii.


The Baebii used the praenomina Quintus, Gnaeus, Marcus, Lucius, Gaius, and Aulus.

Branches and cognomina

The cognomina of the Baebii are Dives, Herennius, Sulca, and Tamphilus. The last is the only surname which appears on coins, where it is written Tampilus. All of the consuls and most of the praetors of this gens during the Republic belonged to this branch of the family.


Baebii Tamphili

Numerous Baebii are known from the Imperial era, particularly from inscriptions. Baebii with the praenomen Lucius are found concentrated around Saguntum in Hispania.