BARRAGE is a Japanese shōnenmanga series written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi, creator of Oumagadoki Zoo and My Hero Academia. The story follows Astro, a dim-witted but kind young man from the slums, on a journey across the planet of Industria. He meets the prince, who looks and sounds like him, and, following a certain incident, ends up becoming the prince who defends Industria with his weapon called the Org. The series was originally published in 2011 as a one-shot manga in the seasonally published Jump NEXT!, before beginning serialization in Weekly Shōnen Jump from May to September 2012. The series was published in North America for an English-language release under the name Barrage through Viz Media's digital mangaanthology, Weekly Shonen Jump beginning in June 2012. The series was compiled into two tankōbon volumes released in Japan by Shueisha in October and November 2012. Viz Media released the first volume of the series in English in March and April 2013.
On the planet of Industria where aliens fight with humans, a young slum dweller Astro works tirelessly to feed his adopted brothers and sisters. One day, after an argument with his boss, Astro saves him from the alien Archduke of Endra. Despite this, Astro is fired. Distraught, he accidentally meets his doppelganger, the runaway Prince Barrage of Industria, who wants Astro to act as his substitute. Astro decides to assume the role of the prince of Industria to prevent arousing suspicion from enemy aliens and protect his beloved "family".
;Astro ;Tiamat ;Prince Barrage ;The Planetary King of Industria ;Tico
Barrage is written and illustrated by Kōhei Horikoshi. The series was originally published on August 12, 2011 as a one-shot manga in the seasonally published Jump NEXT!. The serialized manga started in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump on May 21, 2012, and was published until September 10, 2012. Shueisha compiled the individual chapters into two tankōbon volumes published on October 4 and November 2, 2012. The series was published in North America for an English-language release under the name through Viz Media's digital manga anthology, Weekly Shonen Jump beginning on June 4, 2012, with chapters being released two weeks behind the Japanese publication. Both volumes have also been released in English by Viz Media on March 5 and April 2, 2013.