
Baxter! is a 1973 British drama film directed by Lionel Jeffries and starring Patricia Neal, Jean-Pierre Cassel and Britt Ekland. A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents. The film was based on a book by Kin Platt, called The Boy Who Could Make Himself Disappear.
The film was made before Jeffries' third film as director, Mr Amazing Mr Blunden, but released afterwards.


The Boy Who Could Make Himself Disappear was published in 1968. One critic called it "unforgettable".
In November 1971 it was announced the film would be called The Boy and it would be a co production between EMI Films and Group W Films.
The film starred Scott Jacoby, who had just played the lead in a TV movie, That Certain Summer. It was a rare English language film for Jean-Pierre Cassel.