The film opens with a supermodel waking up from the floor with a cigarette in her hand, with Mark Foster watching from a chair. She prepares and heads to a photo shoot for a cover of a fashion magazine. The band is seen playing in the animated background. The supermodel is then shown in a restroom, in regret. Another supermodel is shown alongside her, and when Foster screams; "It dries up", the supermodel turns to cannibalism, eating the other supermodel alive and whole, except her dress, and coughs up her rings and necklace. She then gains physical features, and is shown on a magazine article differently in style. While the model is at the gym, she notices a women with slim legs. In animated scene, The woman leaves and the model mutates into a hideous beast, devouring the woman and gaining her features. She is shown with Mark Pontius at a bar, whom she shows her legs to, which grow in size. Various advertisements show her with her enlarged legs. Through an advertisement, we learn that she has eaten another model. The film then cuts to the supermodel altering her physical features; smooth skin, enlarged neck, and broader eyes. We then see the three models she has eaten: the one without the dress, the gymnast, and the other supermodel. One throws up a shoe, and the model coughs it up. She then alters her features more, with a bigger and slimmer abdomen. Another advertisement shows her all altered features. Through a sign, we can see that the model has signed up for a fashion show, with Foster watching from the crowd. While the other models are being showcased, the supermodel is shown taking drugs, in her original form, due to a limited amount of time to showcase her altered features. A model walks downstairs and enters her room. The supermodel is then shown swallowing her, with her jaw enlarged and a slimy snake-like tongue being used. The legs of the woman who is being eaten alive start kicking more and more frantically the more she is swallowed. Finally, the supermodel walks down the stage as a grotesque, freakish looking humanoid, horrifying the audience. While there, she vomits up a dress, and stretched, wavy arms and hands are photographing the supermodel. The model withers back to her original form, and while Foster is singing the last lines, she is shown gasping for air, and dies.