Bhutan Communist Party (Marxist–Leninist–Maoist)

The Bhutan Communist Party is a banned communist party in Bhutan.
The CPB calls for a New Democratic Revolution and the overthrow of the Bhutanese monarchy and the House of Wangchuck. Its armed wing is the Bhutan Tiger Force. It is currently estimated to have 600 to 1000 cadres. The party is banned by the Bhutanese government. Its leader goes by the nom de guerre Comrade Umesh.


In the 1990s, Nepali-speaking Bhutanese peoples protested against the Bhutan government for democratization and language reforms. The government forcibly evicted the protesters, where they were put into refugee camps in eastern Nepal. Those who stayed have faced widespread discrimination. Inside the refugee camps, insurgent groups have sprung up, including the Communist Party of Bhutan. The CPB was formed on 22 April 2003, as announced on the website of the Communist Party of Nepal.


; 2003
CPB was announced on 22 April 2003 on the website of the CPN.
; 2007
The Royal Bhutan Army defused a bomb planted by the CPB in Phuentsholing village, close to the Indian border.
; 2008
During the transition to constitutional monarchy in 2008, the Maoists rocked Bhutan with five explosions across the country, including one in the capital Thimphu. They also declared the beginning of a 'People's War'.
In March 2008, the Bhutanese police killed five alleged Maoists and arrested seventeen more in various operations in the south. On 30 December 2008 the Maoists ambushed and killed four forest rangers and took their weapons in Singye Dzong, 250 km away from the capital.
; 2009
A Bhutanese reporter was arrested on charges of being a Maoist.
; 2010
During the 16th South Asian Association of Regional Co-operation, security was tightened after threats by the Maoists.


The party's first act was a Ten-Point Program which it demanded from the government. Its ideology derives from Mao Zedong; its cadres want to start a People's war and a New Democratic Revolution.
The group seeks repatriation for the Nepali refugees and the declaration of Bhutan as a ‘sovereign democracy’. The CPB also wants to turn Bhutan into a republic.

International connections

The Bhutanese Maoists have connections with the Nepalese Maoists, whom they consider to be their inspiration.
The CPB have also formed links with Naxalite Indian North-East rebels such as the ULFA and NDFB and receive training from those groups, including bomb-making.