Biblical numerology

Biblical numerology is the use of numbers for their symbolic value and what they represent in Biblical texts – for example, the seven days of creation in Genesis 1.
While many ancient languages, religions, and philosophies contained numeric interpretation of events, words, and names, this article is concerned with those uniquely affecting Judeo-Christian beliefs. Although Greek culture was well-known to scholars in the first centuries BC and AD in the Middle East, Greek ideas about numerology do not seem to have permeated Jewish and Christian beliefs.

Numerical meaning and examples


One: the unity of the whole, the beginning, e.g. Genesis.


Twos are associated with valid testimony.
The implication of three is "perfection" or "holiness.". Frequently, threes have a superlative force with the last in the series underscoring a character’s resolve, for example the three temptations of Christ and three denials of Peter.
Threes are also associated with the divine or counterfeit divine. In the Book of Revelation, God’s title is the one “who is and who was and who is to come”. The negative counterpart to God, the beast from the sea, is also given a threefold title: “was and is not and is to come”. The four living creatures use threes to extol the attributes of God: “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord God the Almighty, who was and is and is to come”. In this instance, threes have superlative force, emphasizing God’s exceeding holiness.

Three and a half is a broken seven, a symbolic week that “is arrested midway in its normal course.” It is derived from and 12:7, where “a time, two times, and half a time” or “time, times, and a half” designates a period of oppression and corresponds approximately to the temple’s desecration under Antiochus IV Epiphanes. In the Book of Revelation, three and a half is a numerical cipher for the in-between times, the time between Jesus’ ascension to heaven and his return at the end of age to defeat evil. Other variants of three and a half occur in Revelation, for example, forty-two months ; one thousand two hundred and sixty days ; “time and times and half a time” ; and three and a half days.


Four signifies a sense of totality,; it is associated with creation, the earth's four seasons, the four primary lunar phases, four Classical elements, Numbers is the fourth book pf the Bible/Torah and occurs frequently in the Book of Revelation. It derives its meaning from the four cardinal directions, as also attested in Mesopotamian literature.
Both Hebrew and Christian sources believe six indicates "imperfection," "man", or "evil." For Christianity, this occurs preeminently in the Book of Revelation.
Six is the number associated with the creation of mankind in Genesis 1:26-31, and it is the penultimate in a series of seven in the Book of Revelation: seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. The seventh in the series represents the End and the completion of the seals, trumpets, and bowls series. The penultimate in the series has the hallmarks of seven and even appears to be the End, but it is not. Similarly, six hundred sixty-six, the number of the beast from the sea, has the hallmarks of the perfect seven, but it falls short. It is not the ultimate ; only the penultimate. As Christopher Rowland notes, the beast has “the most of the hallmarks of truth, and so it can easily deceive.” For example, the beast has seven heads —the perfect number—and a mortal wound that had been healed. The mortal wound that is healed is a parody of the slain yet risen Lamb in Rev. 5:6. In short, “the beast the demonic counterfeit of Christ.” It “appears benign… but its true nature is not messianic. It is satanic.” For other interpretations of 666 see “the number of the beast”.


In both Jewish and Christian traditions, seven signifies "totality of perfection," "completeness."
Eight means a "new life" or "resurrection". or a new beginning.
Ten represents totality. There are ten fingers and ten toes, the total number of digits found on humans, thus our Base 10 numerical system.
The red dragon and the beast from the sea each have ten horns, signifying their claim to total power.
• The beast from the sea has ten diadems on its ten horns, emblematic of its claim to unlimited or total ruling authority.
• Multiples of tens heighten the notion of totality. For example, the millennium represents a total, uninterrupted period of rule that is characterized by the absence of satanic interference. Ten cubed also suggests symmetry.
• Other multiples of tens lengthen and heighten the notion of totality. The 144,000 are the multiples of 12 x 12 x 10 x 10 x 10, a symbolic number that signifies the total number of the people of God. The 12,000 stadia of the walls of the new Jerusalem in Rev. 21:16 represent an immense city that can house the total number of God’s people. The 1,600 stadia in Rev. 14:20 represent worldwide destruction. Fours, the number of the earth or creation, combined with tens, the number for totality, suggest a bloodbath that is not only extensive but covers the entire earth.


Twelve reflects the 12 lunar months in a lunar year, 12 Zodiac signs, and implies "governmental perfection" or completeness, often associated with the people of God.
According to, the Apostle Judas hung himself and was replaced with Matthias, thus making 13 Apostles/Disciples. Sometimes, the Apostle Paul is considered the 13th Apostle.


The number Forty is a recurring Bible theme with it first appearing in, "For in seven days it will rain for forty days and forty nights". Moses did the #40 several times: he was 40-years-old when he was exiled from Egypt, he returned 40 years later to lead the Hebrews out of captivity, 40 days atop Mount Sinai, 40 years of the Hebrews wandering in the dessert, etc. Goliath challenged the Israelites for 40 days before David killed him and King David ruled for 40 years. Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert for 40 days. 40 hours after Jesus was taken down from the Cross, he appeared outside the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea to Mary Magdalen. Jesus hung out in Jerusalem and Galilee for 40 days before leaving for ---.


"One thousand" signifies "immensity" or "fullness of quantity", preeminently in the Book of Revelation.
