Blue Blink

Blue Blink is a fantasy adventure anime series created by Osamu Tezuka. The anime is based from classic film Konjok-gorbunok by Ivan Ivanov-Vano. The film in turn is based from Pyotr Pavlovich Yershov's The Little Humpbacked Horse.
This was Tezuka's last anime series. Osamu Tezuka died while this series was in production. The studio completed the production according to his plans. The show was streamed at Anime Sols, but was removed, because it did not meet its goal of crowd-funding for DVD. It is currently only available for legal streaming at


The story opens with the meeting between our hero, Kakeru, and a mystical pony named Blink. Kakeru saves Blink from a thunder shower and in gratitude, Blink tells him that if he is ever in trouble, all Kakeru needs to do is call out his name three times and he will appear. At the end of the summer when Kakeru returns home, his father, a writer of children's stories, is kidnapped. Kakeru, weeping, calls out Blink's name and, as promised, Blink immediately appears, and the two set out on the trail of Kakeru's father.

Episode list

1Departing for Far, Far Away
2The Secret of Grey Ranch
3A Prisoner at Rose House
4The Crooked Ivory Castle
5The Monster Dogitra of Yellow Fort
6The Mysterious Fruit of Blue Town
7Crash! The Moss-Green Road Race!
8The Island of Temptation — Cobalt
9The Fighting Country — Red Baal
10The Mysterious Forest — Sepia
11Terrace — The Town of Primary Colours
12The Heart-Thief of Purple Town
13The Armored Gun-Train of Brown Town
14Children's Town, Rainbow Town
15The Light Ark of Gold Valley
16The Town of Fortune-Telling: Mint Green
17Milky White: The Secret of the Temple in the Air
18Will It Bloom?: The Flower of Dark in Emerald Forest
19To The Dark River! The Mysterious Ultra-Marine Plain!!
20Animal Paradise: Harpy Green
21Yellow Oaker: The Town With No Greenery or Flowers
22The Plane of Love! Fly in the Persian Blue!!
23The Legend of Davies Gray! Blink Turns into a Fossil!!
24Submarine City: The Mermaid Princess of Palm
25Blink Disappears in Opera Town
26Revive! The Fluorescent Butterflies of Scarlet River
27Mystery! The Castle of Adventures, Indigo
28Love Again! Fierce Fight in the Wine Red Sea
29Enemy or Friend? The Detective of Orange Stone
30Find the Key of Truth! The Remains of Dark Purple Lake
31Gold Amber Valley
32The Upside Down City, Sky Blue
33Meeting Again! Mother and Child in the Dark Jail
34Lonely Kakeru! The Nightmare of the Dark Sea!!
35The Strongest Soldier: Black Samurai
36To the Dark Castle! Face Up with Courage
37Prince Horo: The Bronze Trap
38Gross Castle in Light and Darkness
39Goodbye to the Endless Journey and Blink

Original Cast

TitleEnglish TitlePerformerDescription
Hitomi no Naka no MiraiThe Future in Your EyesYoko MinaminoOpening Song
Makenaide, YuukiDon't give in, have courageShinobu NakayamaEnding Song