Bordertown (American TV series)

Bordertown is an American animated sitcom created by Mark Hentemann, creator of MTV's 3-South, for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series follows two families living in a Southwest desert town on the United States–Mexico border. Bordertown is a joint production by Bento Box Entertainment, Fuzzy Door Productions, 20th Century Fox Television, Hentemann Films and syndicated by 20th Television.


On May 12, 2016, the series was canceled after one season.


Bordertown takes place in the fictitious town of Mexifornia. Mexifornia is said to be based on the town of Calexico, California, sharing a similar location and dynamic as Mexifornia. The two main characters are Bud Buckwald and Ernesto Gonzalez. Bud is a border agent living at 25200 Cedar Road with his wife, Janice Buckwald, and their three children, Sanford, Becky and Gert. Living next door to him is Ernesto Gonzalez, an ambitious immigrant and family man, who has been in the country less than 10 years and is happy to be with his family in the United States of America.

Voice cast

Season 1 (2016)



and Mark Hentemann were announced as executive producers. Shortly afterwards, Alex Carter and Dan Vebber were announced as co-executive producers. Lalo Alcaraz and Gustavo Arellano are consulting producers, and Valentina L. Garza is a supervising producer.


There were thirteen writers who worked on Bordertown. Mark Hentemann wrote or co-wrote three episodes. Lalo Alcaraz co-wrote the first two episodes.


In the United States, the series premiered midseason on January 3, 2016, on Fox. The series was picked up by ITV2 in the United Kingdom on March 23, 2015, to premiere on February 29, 2016 - immediately after the new season of Family Guy on the same channel.
The series was also picked up by Network Ten in Australia and started airing on February 3, 2016 on its sister channel, Eleven. In Canada, it was broadcast on City.


Bordertown received generally negative reviews. On Metacritic, the show holds a 46/100 score based on 15 reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes, the series receives a 35% rating based on 17 reviews with an average rating of 5.3/10. The critics' consensus reads: "Bordertowns controversy-rich premise is an idea disappointingly ill-served by its execution, which repeatedly mistakes crass, desperate gags for topical humor."