Brothers Bernardacci
The Brothers Bernardacci, Johann Karlovich and Joseph Karlovich, natives of Lugano, were architects who arrived in Russia in 1822. They created that "сlean new town", which Lermontov found in 1837 at Gorjachevodsk.
Having devoted all of their life to construction on the Caucasus, the Bernardacci created some landmarks connected with the name of Lermontov. In Pyatigorsk they designed Restoratsija, Nikolay's baths, Diana's grotto, the Aeolian harp pavilion, a gallery above Elisabeth's spring, the house for retired officers, house of E.A.Hastatova, Areshev's houses, a garden opposite the Nikolay baths, the State garden and others, and also a direct road from Pyatigorsk to Zheleznovodsk on which Lermontov travelled before his duel. In Kislovodsk the Bernardacci constructed Restoratsija and A.F. Rebrov's house.