
In the Dove Book and other medieval Russian books, Buyan is described as a mysterious island in the ocean with the ability to appear and disappear using tides. Three brothers—Northern, Western, and Eastern Winds—live there, and also the Zoryas, solar goddesses who are servants or daughters of the solar god Dazhbog.
It figures prominently in many famous myths; Koschei the Deathless keeps his soul or immortality hidden there, secreted inside a needle placed inside an egg in the mystical oak-tree; other legends call the island the source of all weather, created there and sent forth into the world by the god Perun. It is also mentioned in The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of His Son the Renowned and Mighty Bogatyr Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and of the Beautiful Princess-Swan and many other Slavic folktales. Furthermore, it has the mythical stone with healing and magic powers, known as the alatyr', which is guarded by the bird Gagana and Garafena the serpent.
Some scholars assert that Buyan is actually a Slavic name for some real island, most likely Rügen.
