Café Rimon

Café Rimon is a kosher restaurant chain in Israel with three locations in Jerusalem, with a fourth located in Beit Shemesh.


Café Rimon opened their first location, near Ben Yehuda, in 1953.
Originally Café Rimon was a meat restaurant and in 1983 switched to dairy. In 2007 they added Rimon Bistro to their Ben Yehuda location, serving as their meat restaurant, in addition to opening their second dairy location in Jerusalem. In 2014 they opened another location in Beit Shemesh.
The owner Ronen Rimon, proudly employees both Jews and Arabs at his restaurants, despite being the subject of multiple terror attacks.


2001 Suicide Bombings

On 1 December 2001 at 23:30, two suicide bombers positioned themselves at either side of Café Rimon and blew themselves up simultaneously, killing 10 and injuring 170.
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat immediately condemned the attack. Additionally he called for an end to all suicide bombings and acts of terror against Israel.

Poisoning Plot

In 2002 Jerusalem Police and Shin Bet arrested three East Jerusalem residents who were planning on poisoning Café Rimon patrons. Working with Hamas they had developed a poison that would be tasteless and would induce a heart attack approximately fifteen hours later.
All three were sentenced to 5–10 years in prison.