Canada's Worst Driver 10

Canada's Worst Driver 10 was the tenth season of the Canadian reality TV show Canada's Worst Driver, which aired on the Discovery Channel. As with previous years, eight people, nominated by their family or friends, enter the Driver Rehabilitation Centre to improve their driving skills. This year, the Driver Rehabilitation Centre is located at the Dunnville Airport in Dunnville, Ontario for the fifth straight season. The initial drive started in Niagara Falls, Ontario and the final road test occurred in Hamilton, Ontario.


Episode 1: Welcome to Rehab...

After the initial test, the drivers have their first meeting with the experts. The experts reiterate to Jason the importance of taking an eye test as soon as possible and Andrew expresses disbelief at the fact that driving-related eye examinations are not mandatory until the age of 80. Mariah is also called out on her attitude toward her drunk-driving and Cam informs her that should she kill or injure someone while doing so, she would face near-certain jail time. Most of the drivers are convinced that they are not Canada's Worst Driver, though Jason, Chanie and Siham admit that they may be. As usual, no one graduates this episode, as it serves merely as a skills evaluation.

Episode 2: Crash, Bang, Boom!

After the Eye of the Needle, the experts confront Ian about the list he gave them, noting that the issues he listed indicate that he is someone who until now simply wasn't prepared to put in the effort required to be a good driver, rather than suffering from any technical issues; Ian in turn admits that he has decided to give up being a taxi driver and was only even doing the job to fund the journalism degree that he's currently undertaking. George is the only driver who actively wants to graduate, while the others all admit that they still need a lot of work before they can even consider graduating. The panel are split, with Andrew and Philippe wanting to graduate George for being technically the most proficient driver, but Cam and Shyamala favouring the notion of graduating Ian, who, despite not passing any challenges, is clearly not the worst of the group and has shown awareness of the issues he needs to address; they also feel that George's arrogant attitude and the possibility of him teaching bad habits to Cody is a deal-breaker, leaving Tim to cast the deciding vote and names Ian becomes the first graduate of the season, surprising nearly all the other drivers. Before Ian drives himself home, Andrew makes him remove the "Taxi" sign from his car and wishes him a successful career in journalism.

Episode 3: What Just Happened?

Most of the drivers tell the experts without any hesitation that they will never drive while distracted again and Jason also reveals that he's going to wear his glasses full-time from now on. However, while Mariah vows never to drink-drive again, she won't commit to also giving up the use of her phone while driving. The biggest concern is Siham's defeatist attitude, as she openly admits that she isn't overly concerned whether or not she continues to drive and refuses to commit to making herself a better driver. Every one of the experts has a different opinion on who should leave rehab; Tim is in favour of expelling Siham for showing no desire to learn, Shyamala doesn't feel anyone should graduate, Philippe feels that now that Jason has glasses, it's safe to return him to the roads, Cam says that George is the most technically skilled and should be given the graduation he missed out on last time, while Andrew wants to graduate Santana for showing the best attitude and passing both of the challenges this episode. Andrew is eventually able to convince the other judges to back his fellow Newfie and Santana becomes the second graduate of the season.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 4: Piece of Cake

After the Swerve and Avoid, George is finally told that Cody has been brought to rehab and he takes George and Andrew on a quick drive through the surrounding area to demonstrate that, if anything, Cody is now an even better driver than his father. During this drive, George admits that he was a terrible teacher and is proud of his son. While Jason feels that he deserves to graduate, the experts quickly agree that George, having already been passed over twice on the grounds that his arrogant attitude and the possibility of him teaching bad habits to Cody was a deal-breaker and Santana showed the best attitude in the previous episode, is the overwhelmingly obvious choice to graduate for performing the best in all three challenges this episode; the clear improvement in his attitude and the experts no longer needing to worry about him passing on bad habits to Cody helps seal the decision and George becomes the third graduate.

Episode 5: 1 - 2 - 3 - Go!

While Chanie is noted to be the obvious front-runner to graduate, as she passed every challenge, she admits not fully comprehend all the challenges and that she should stay in rehab for the time being. Siham and Tyler, who both passed two challenges, also say they don't want to graduate. Mariah and Jason, who passed one challenge and no challenges respectively, aren't even considered for graduation. Cam and Philippe nominate Chanie to graduate, as she was statistically the best driver this episode, though Cam isn't overly enthusiastic about letting her go. Shyamala and Tim, on the other hand, feel that Siham is the person who deserves to graduate, as they consider her the most technically adept of the five remaining drivers, despite her confidence issues. Andrew is left to break the tie, but elects not to back Chanie or Siham, as he feels they are both still lacking in focus and confidence, respectively. In what Andrew notes has become something of an annual tradition for the show, the season's fifth episode ends with no one graduating.

Episode 6: Know Your Limits

Mariah and Siham are easily agreed on as the only two possible nominees, as they both passed every challenge this episode and want to graduate. Jason half-heartedly puts himself forward to graduate and is immediately shot down, while Tyler and a tearful Chanie admit that they both need a lot more work. Tim backs Mariah to graduate, feeling that she has superior technical skills and more confidence compared to Siham, something which he feels is particularly obvious in the lessons he's been giving drivers in-between the episodes. Shyamala also backs Mariah to graduate, for having drastically reformed her attitude. Philippe and Cam, however, back Siham to graduate for performing better than Mariah in all the challenges. Andrew is once again left with the deciding vote and chooses Mariah as the next graduate. Before she leaves the Driver Rehabilitation Centre, however, Mariah gets a tattoo on her left forearm, to specifically remind her never to drink-drive again.

Episode 7: Slip and Slide

The experts face a major quandary, as there was only one clear challenge pass in the entire episode—Jason's performance in The Cross. Of greater concern, however, is the all-around horrific performances in the Longest Reversing Challenge Ever and Jason effectively destroys his chances of graduation by saying he thought the point of the challenge was to complete it as fast as possible. Chanie also admits to this, though, unlike Jason, concedes that it was clearly the wrong thing to do. Siham shows no awareness of how fast she actually went during the challenge. Tyler also gets called out over his bad performance on that challenge, but does get one bit of good news as he's told that, since his final Icy Corner run was the best in the challenge and would likely avoid most dangerous situations in real-life, they're retroactively upgrading it to a pass, doing Andrew a super favor of reducing the failure rate to 75%. However, due to the all-around awful performances, Andrew suggests a four-person final, a suggestion that, luckily for the nominees, none of the experts take up. Their discussions are not shown, but in the end, Andrew gives Tyler his license back, telling him that as bad as his performances in the reversing and Icy Corner challenges were, they were still the best of the group. This, along with him having more confidence compared to Siham and being more aware of his mistakes than Jason, results in him becoming the season's penultimate graduate. Incidentally, this also makes this the first Canada's Worst Driver season where every finalist was shortlisted as a potential graduate at least once.

Episode 8: Icing on the Cake...

After the road test, the drivers each have their final meeting with the experts. Despite her earlier lackadaisical attitude, Chanie finally shows more awareness of what exactly went wrong as she talks to the experts. However, she then makes a shocking revelation: she's supposed to be on medication for an unspecified condition that causes her lack of focus, but was unable to get a new supply in time for rehab and so has been driving without medication. Andrew tells her that had he known about this beforehand, he would not have allowed her to take her final drive and Cam says that were it proven her failure to take her medication contributed to death by dangerous driving, she could face the same range of punishments as a murder charge. Harsh words are also given to Siham, due to the extremely dangerous mistakes in her highway run and what would likely have been a fatal collision on the four-way intersection; she tries to blame the former mistake on the off-ramp being too short, but admits to learning a lot from rehab. Of the three, Jason is the most willing to admit to his mistakes, but the experts are unconvinced about exactly how much he has learned. For the first time in the show's history, there are effectively three in contention for Canada's Worst Driver due to all three drivers performing badly on the final road test. Shyamala wants Siham to be the final graduate for having the best overall track record of the final three and having what was generally the least eventful road test and advocates naming Chanie and Jason the joint-worst, but Cam actually deems Siham to be Canada's Worst Driver, feeling that the mistakes she did make were the ones most likely to result in a fatality than any mistakes Chanie committed. Tim deems Chanie the worst for her lack of focus and failure to take responsibility for her actions. Philippe thinks Jason is the worst, pointing out that he ran several red lights and was lucky that this didn't result in any accidents. With the panel completely deadlocked and unable to even agree who should be the final graduate, let alone the worst, the decision on the final three's rankings ends up once again falling to Andrew.
When the three drivers assemble for the trophy presentation, Andrew announces that Jason is the season's final graduate, as he showed the most improvement of the final three, had the best performance on the two final Rehab Centre challenges and at least wasn't overwhelmingly worse than Siham or Chanie on the final drive. This, therefore, leaves Chanie and Siham as the final two and Chanie is ultimately named the worst, due to the fact that she ultimately did not appear to have learned anything from her time on the show and showed no real improvement in her driving skill, but most of all because she showed a reckless disregard for safety by not telling anyone she was supposed to be on medication. While Siham does not technically graduate, Andrew notes that she did improve a lot in rehab and believes that she will ultimately become a good driver again someday. Despite her desperate pleas, Andrew shocks Chanie by appearing to cut up her driving license, but reveals that what he actually destroyed was a duplicate license she gave him on the first day of rehab, which legally she's not permitted to have, as it is invalid. He then gives Chanie the trophy and her actual license before Jeremy drives her away as the tenth person to be named Canada's Worst Driver.