Carrinatia gens

The gens Carrinatia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens rose to prominence during the final century of the Republic, attaining the consulship in 43 BC.


The nomen Carrinas, occasionally written Carinas, is one of the more unusual forms appearing in Roman history, a matter which has led to some scholarly confusion. Havercamp supposed it to be a cognomen of the Albia gens, but the nomen Albius does not appear with it in any known inscriptions. It would therefore seem to be a separate gentilicium of Oscan or Umbrian origin; Chase notes that Umbrian nomina frequently end in.


The main praenomen of the Carrinates was Gaius, among the most common of all praenomina throughout Roman history. A few members of this gens are mentioned with the common praenomen Quintus, and from a filiation it appears that they may also have used Aulus.

Branches and cognomina

None of the Carrinates mentioned at the end of the Republic bore any surnames. A wide variety of cognomina appear under the Empire, none of which seem to have become hereditary. Most of the Carrinates known from inscriptions appear to have been freedmen or their descendants.
