
Catupiry is one of the most popular brands of requeijão in Brazil. It was developed by Italian immigrant Mario Silvestrini in the state of Minas Gerais in 1911. The name derives from the Tupi word meaning "excellent".
Catupiry is a soft, mild-tasting cheese that can be spread over toasts, crackers and bread buns or used in cooking. Because of its low level of acidity, catupiry has become an ingredient in various dishes.
The expression com catupiry refers to foods where catupiry or an imitation of it is an ingredient, or a filling, such as pizzas, coxinhas or pães-de-queijo. As a kind of requeijão, much as any other soft-tasting white cheese, it is also eaten as a dessert combined with guava paste, what is called romeu-e-julieta.