Chengkou County

Chengkou County is a county in Chongqing municipality, China, and is the northernmost county-level division of Chongqing, bordering the provinces of Shaanxi and Sichuan to the north and west, respectively. To the northeast, the county borders Zhengping County, Pingli County, Langao County and Ziyang County of Ankang, Shaanxi. To the west, the county borders Wanyuan and Xuanhan County of Dazhou, Sichuan. To the south, the county borders Chongqing's Kaizhou District and Wuxi County.

Administrative divisions

Chengkou County is composed of two subdistricts, ten towns, and thirteen townships. It formerly had 7 towns and 17 townships.
Two subdistricts :
Ten towns :
Thirteen townships :