Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation

The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation is a non-profit Orthodox Jewish organization based in Monsey, New York, United States, dedicated to spreading the teachings of Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan who was known as the Chofetz Chaim based on his work of Jewish ethics of the same name dealing with the prohibitions of gossip, slander and defamation known as Lashon Hara in Jewish law.
The foundation has become a popular fixture in the English-speaking Orthodox world. It utilizes a vast array of communication tools including books, tapes, video seminars, telephone classes and a newsletter, designed to heighten awareness of their values in "judging others favorably, speaking with restraint and integrity, and acting with sensitivity and respect". The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's website asserts their belief in the "Torah's timeless recipe for building a world of compassion and harmony".
It has received serious commendation for its work from leading Rabbis. Rabbi Moshe Francis, head of a prominent Chicago Kollel has written that:
The foundation has raised significant funds and advertises its activities and events by taking out very prominent ads in the Yated Ne'eman ; Hamodia; The Jewish Press and others, as well as by distributing newsletters to the English-speaking Orthodox and Haredi public.
The founder and director of the foundation is Michael Rothschild.

Wide-ranging appeal and acceptance

The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's publications, programs, and hence its goals have been furthered by the wide acceptance and recognition it has gained in the English-speaking Orthodox and Haredi world for its mission of publicizing the importance of the mitzvot of not speaking lashon hara or the spread of any form of slander. The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation is a great organization for both kids and adults.

Integrated into educational work by organizations

The Jewish media has taken note of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation's work:
The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation has published material to help Jewish couples navigate the maze of finding a marriage partner without violating the guidelines of the Torah's prohibitions of slander or hearsay, yet to also know what is permissible to ask and tell so that future spouses not be fooled or harmed by unrevealed personal information of a delicate nature:

Utilized by Bnei Noah