, Konstantin Nevolin, Makariy, Vasily Klyuchevsky, Vladimir Beneshevich, Aleksandr Lototskiy, George Vernadsky and Mikhail Tikhomirov considered that the statute went back to Pre-Mongol Period. Serafim Yushkov, Aleksandr Zimin and Yaroslav Schapov referred the archetype of the statute to the beginning or to the first half of the 12th century. Nikolay Karamzin, Yevgeny Golubinsky attributed the basis of the statute to the 13th century. Altksey Pavlov – to the 14th century. Serafim Yushkov considered that the basis was a short "confirmative" charter by prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, authorized use of church law and defined size of jurisdiction of Russian church. Yushkov reconstructed this charter: a part of the lawsuits were passed from prince, boyars and their judges to the church and the bishops. According to Yushkov the protograph of the first and second redactions was formed at the beginning of the 12th century, also reconstructed by the scholar. Statute of Vladimir has a wide distribution in Old Russia and was known outside. Development of the statute redactions reflexes evolution of Old Russian church law and relationship between church and prince during centuries.
The original isn't survived. The statute is survived in more than 200 copies from 13th to 19th centuries united in seven redactions. These copies are a part of various Old Russian collections of laws, including Kormchiye. The oldest surviving copy of the statute is contained in Synodic Kormchaia of 1282.
: Synod Copy of Church Statute of Prince Vladimir. Source: The Laws of Rus' - Tenth to Fifteenth Centuries, tr., ed. by Daniel H. Kaiser, 42-44.
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Old Russian Princely Statutes of the 11-15th centuries / Yaroslav Schapov. - Moscow: Nauka, 1976. - 239 p..
Golubinsky, Yevgeny. The History of Russian Church / 2nd edition. - Moscow, 1901. - Vol. 1, part 1..
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Yushkov, Serafim. Study on the History of Russian Law. Statute of Prince Vladimir / Historical and Legal Research. - Novouzensk, 1925. - Issue 1. - 151 p..
Yushkov, Serafim. Course of the History of State and Law of USSR. - Moscow: Yurizdat, 1949. - Vol. 1: Social and Political System and Law of Kievan State. - 542 p..
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