Civic Committee of the Solidarity with Ukraine

Civic Committee of the Solidarity with Ukraine – Polish organization founded in order to support pro-democratic changes in Ukraine. The group has been established at the beginning of Revolution of Dignity in the beginning of 2014.


The mission - as declared in Founding Declaration - is support for pro-democratic changes in Ukraine, but also providing support to people and organizations repressed for their political beliefs. Other aims are:
The Committee was founded on 30 January 2014, which was announced on a press conference held on 4 February 2014 in Warsaw.
The name of the committee, its structure and activities was a reference to the tradition of Solidarity Citizens' Committees of late 1980s which declared that "people of various political stands and diverse nationalities worked together for the creation of independent and self-governing Republic". According to its founding declaration, the Committee - by its activity - wants to ensure the citizens of Ukraine the same possibility of building an independent state and - acting by the rule of subsidiarity - support them in their actions towards this goal.
Simultaneously, from its foundation, KOSzU has declared and realized policy of political independence. And also, that it will not be attempting to gain legal personality or own assets.


Founding members

Supporting organizations

The activities of the Committee are based on social and voluntary work of own members organized in working sections: