Comparison of IDE choices for Haxe programmers

is an open source programming language. Multiple development environments have support for Haxe.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)


Supported Haxe versions, compiler completion, language server

Syntax, parsing, code-assist

Goto, Searching

Code Generation


Hierarchy views


Build, debug, run

Multi-lingual IDE


Text Editors

Multiple text editors, with the help of additional syntax files and some language semantics configuration, support Haxe syntax highlighting and semantics.
  1. GNU Emacs/XEmacs
  2. Gedit
  3. vim with Haxe plugin
  4. Atom with Haxe plugin
  5. EditPlus
  6. UltraEdit
  7. Notepad++
  8. Textmate
  9. VS Code