Conspiracy (2008 film)

Conspiracy is a 2008 American action thriller film written and directed by Adam Marcus and stars Val Kilmer and Jennifer Esposito. The film is influenced by the classic western film noir thriller Bad Day at Black Rock, which itself was an adaptation of a short story "Bad Time at Honda" by Howard Breslin. The film was released on direct-to-DVD in the United States on March 18, 2008.
Whilst Bad Day at Black Rock tells the story of wounded World War II vet John J. MacReedy, Conspiracy revolves around William "Spooky" MacPherson, a disabled special operations marine wounded during combat operations in Iraq. When MacPherson decides to visit a friend on a ranch in the southwest, he discovers that his friend has disappeared, and no one will acknowledge that he ever lived there.
The film was shot in Galisteo, New Mexico in 30 days on April 19 and May 19, 2007.


The movie received overwhelmingly negative reviews. Richard Roeper wrote, "It's beyond dreadful. It's jaw-droppingly bad."