Dagashi Kashi

Dagashi Kashi is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kotoyama. It was originally serialized in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from June 2014 to April 2018. It has been collected into eleven tankōbon volumes. A light novel adaptation titled Dagashi Kashi: Mō Hitotsu no Natsu Yasumi, written and illustrated by Manta Aisora, was published in a single volume by Shogakukan on December 18, 2015 under their Gagaga Bunko imprint.
An anime television series adaptation by Feel aired in Japan between January and March 2016. A second season of the anime aired between January and March 2018.


Shikada Dagashi, a countryside shop selling cheap candy and snacks has been run by the Shikada family for nine generations, but Kokonotsu does not want to take over the shop from his father, Yō, instead aiming to become a manga artist. Hotaru Shidare visits the shop one day hoping to recruit Yō to her family's company, the sweets manufacturer Shidare Corporation, but Yō refuses unless Hotaru first can convince Kokonotsu to take over Shikada Dagashi.


;Hotaru Shidare
;Kokonotsu Shikada
;Saya Endō
;Tō Endō
;Yō Shikada
;Hajime Owari
;Beniyutaka Shidare



Dagashi Kashi is written and illustrated by Kotoyama. It was serialized in Shogakukan's shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Sunday from June 25, 2014 to April 11, 2018. The series was collected into eleven tankōbon volumes published by Shogakukan, from September 18, 2014 to May 18, 2018.

Volume list

Light novel

A light novel adaptation titled Dagashi Kashi: Mō Hitotsu no Natsu Yasumi, written and illustrated by Manta Aisora, was published in a single volume by Shogakukan on December 18, 2015 under their Gagaga Bunko imprint.


A 12-episode anime adaptation aired between January 7 and March 31, 2016. It was produced at Feel, and was directed by Shigehito Takayanagi, who also handled the series composition together with Yasuko Kamo. Kanetoshi Kamimoto was in charge of character design, and Satoshi Motoyama was the series' sound director. The series' opening theme is "Checkmate!?" by Michi, and the ending theme is "Hey Caloric Queen" by Ayana Taketatsu.
A second season, Dagashi Kashi 2, aired between January 12, 2018 and March 30, 2018, on TBS, and aired on Sun TV and BS-TBS. For Dagashi Kashi 2, Tezuka Productions took over the series production, with Feel instead being credited for setting cooperation. While Motoyama returns as sound director, several other duties were taken over by new staff: Satoshi Kuwabara directed the season, Mayumi Morita handled the series composition, Nana Miura designed the characters, and Michiko Yokote wrote the script. The voice cast from the first season reprised their roles, and was joined by Chinatsu Akasaki, who voices the new character Hajime Owari, and Tomokazu Sugita, who voices Yutaka Beni. The second season's opening theme is "Oh My Sugar Feeling!!" by Taketatsu, and the ending theme is "Okashi na Watashi to Hachimitsu no Kimi" by Hachimitsu Rocket. Dagashi Kashi 2 aired in a shared half-hour time slot together with Takunomi., both of which consist of fifteen-minute episodes. Like its first season, Dagashi Kashi 2 lasted for 12 episodes.


The series was nominated for the 41st Kodansha Manga Awards in 2017, in the "best shōnen manga" category.


In September 2015, when the anime adaptation was announced, the two manga volumes that were released at the time had sold a 450,000 copies combined; when the fourth volume came out in December 2015, sales had risen to a total of 1.2 million copies. By the time the anime premiered in January 2016, the manga has 1.6 million copies in print, doubling the average number of copies sold per volumes compared to before the anime announcement, to 400,000 copies per volume. The manga had over 3 million copies in print as of April, 2018.