Damarla Chennapa Nayakadu

Damal Chennapa Nayakar was the father of Damal venkatappa nayakkar who was the Nayaka ruler of wandiwash and poonamallee under the suzerainty of Vijayanagar emperor Venkatapati Raya. venkatappa nayakkar was also the Dalavoy or the Commander-in-Chief of the emperor. chennai is named after damal chennappa nayakkar who was the father of damal venkatappa nayakkar who signed the lease agreement with Mr francis day of british east Indian company on 22nd august 1639 url=https://archive.org/details/historyofgingeea035396mbp/page/n105/mode/2up?q=page+94
url=https://archive.org/details/storyofmadras00barlrich/page/6/mode/2up?q=naik+ The city of Chennai is widely believed to have been named after him but some historians postulated other theories. The line of Nayaks were chieftains during the Vijayanagar empire and attained full power after its decline, becoming independent Nayaks.url=https://archive.org/details/historyofgingeea035396mbp/page/n105/mode/2up?q=page+94