Demographics of Indonesia

The population of Indonesia was 237.64 million according to the 2010 national census, and it was estimated to reach 255.4 million in 2015. Fifty-eight per cent live on the island of Java, the world's most populous island.
Despite a fairly effective family planning program that has been in place since 1967, Indonesia's population growth was 1.49% for the decade ending in 2010. At that rate, Indonesia's population is projected to surpass the present population of the United States. Some say family planning should be revitalised based on the 1967 program to avoid Indonesia becoming the world's third most populous country, but this aim has been criticised by religious groups who believe that family planning goes against religious teachings.
Indonesia has a relatively young population compared to Western nations, though it is ageing as the country's birth rate has slowed and its life expectancy has increased. The median age was 30.2 years in 2017.
Indonesia includes numerous ethnic, cultural and linguistic groups, some of which are related to each other. Since independence, Indonesian is the language of most written communication, education, government, and business. Many local ethnic languages are the first language of most Indonesians and are still important.


Population by province

Largest cities

Age structure

Vital statistics

United Nations estimates

Fertility and Births (Demographic and Health Surveys)

Total Fertility Rate and Crude Birth Rate :
19873.4 2.9 3.7
199125.13.02 24.02.60 25.63.24
19942.9 2.3 3.2
19972.8 2.4 3.0
2002-200321.92.6 22.12.4 21.72.7
200720.92.6 20.22.3 21.52.8
201220.42.6 20.12.4 20.72.8
201718.12.4 17.72.3 18.52.6

Fertility rate and ageing population (by province)

and population over age 60 by region as of 2010:
ProvinceTotal fertility rate Population over age 60
North Sumatera3.015.9
West Sumatera2.918.1
South Sumatera2.566.2
Bangka Belitung2.545.8
Kepulauan Riau2.383.4
West Java2.437.0
Central Java2.2010.3
East Java2.0010.4
East Nusa Tenggara3.827.4
West Kalimantan2.645.8
Central Kalimantan2.564.6
South Kalimantan2.355.8
East Kalimantan2.614.0
North Sulawesi2.438.4
Central Sulawesi2.946.6
South Sulawesi2.558.2
Southeast Sulawesi3.205.8
West Sulawesi3.336.2
North Maluku3.354.8
West Papua3.183.2

Life expectancy

Source: UN World Population Prospects

Ethnic groups

There are over 300 ethnic groups in Indonesia; 95% of those are of Native Indonesian ancestry. Javanese is the largest group with 100 million people, followed by Sundanese, who number nearly 40 million.


Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation; almost 87.18% of Indonesians declared themselves Muslim in the 2010 census. 9.87% of the population adhered to Christianity, 1.69% were Hindu, 0.72% Buddhist, and 0.56 of other faiths. Most Indonesian Hindus are Balinese and most Buddhists in modern-day Indonesia are Chinese.


is the official language, but there are many different languages native to Indonesia. According to Ethnologue, there are currently 737 living languages spoken in Indonesia, the most widely spoken being Javanese.
Some Chinese varieties, most prominently Min Nan, are also spoken. The public use of Chinese, especially Chinese characters, was officially discouraged between 1966 and 1998.


definition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 92.81%

male: 95.5%

female: 90.4%
Education is free in state schools; it is compulsory for children through to grade 12. Although about 92% of eligible children are enrolled in primary school, a much smaller percentage attends full-time. About 44% of secondary school-age children attend junior high school, and some others of this age group attend vocational schools.

CIA World Factbook demographic statistics

The following demographic statistics are from the CIA World Factbook, unless otherwise indicated.
Age structure
Median age
Birth rate
Death rate
Population growth rate
Sex ratio
Infant mortality rate
Life expectancy at birth
Obesity - adult prevalence rate
Children under the age of 5 years underweight
School life expectancy
Education expenditures