Dennison Berwick

Dennison Berwick is an author and travel writer. Educated at Trinity College, Glenalmond, he emigrated to Canada in 1980. Since then he has walked the entire length of the river Ganges in India and travelled extensively in the Amazon and. He is also editor of the Canadian Retreat Guide, a guide to more than 140 monasteries, retreat centres etc. in Canada. He spent several weeks helping people in the isolated villages on the west coast of Aceh, Sumatra, following the devastating tsunami in December 2004 and is now working on a novel inspired by those experiences. He lived most of the year on his boat "Kuan Yin" which he did 2015. He continued working on a new book about Labrador. After many years of practical experience with marine diesel engines he undertook a formal course in Marine mechanics. Most recent book publication is Marine Diesel Basics 1.
