Deputy (legislator)

A deputy is a legislator in many countries, particularly those with legislatures styled as a Chamber of Deputies or National Assembly.

List of countries

This is an list of countries using the term 'deputy' or one of its cognates.
نواب People's National Assembly
Diputado NacionalChamber of Deputies
Diputado provincialSeveral provincial Chambers of Deputies
Дэпутат House of Representatives
Provincial executive member: Gedeputeerde / Député / Deputierter Deputation / Provincial College
In French, député is sometimes also used to denote a member of parliament.Chamber of Representatives or a regional parliament
DiputadoChamber of Deputies
Deputado estadualLegislative Assemblies
Deputado federalChamber of Deputies
ДепутатlNational Assembly
DéputéHouse of Commons of Canada and provincial and territorial legislatures
DiputadoChamber of Deputies
Deputy National People's Congress
DiputadoDepartamental Assemblies
DiputadoAsamblea Legislativa
poslanecChamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
DiputadoChamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic
Asambleísta Asamblea Nacional de la República del Ecuador
DiputadoAsamblea Legislativa
DéputéNational Assembly
DiputadoCongreso de la República de Guatemala
People's DeputyStates of Guernsey
DéputéChamber of Deputies
DiputadoNational Congress of Honduras
مجلس شورای اسلامیIslamic Consultative Assembly
Deputy / Teachta DálaDáil Éireann
DeputatoCamera dei Deputati
DeputyStates of Jersey
Député/النواب Parliament
Deputéierten / DéputéChambre des Députés/d'Chamber
DiputadoCamara de Diputados
GedeputeerdeGedeputeerde Staten
DiputadoAsamblea Nacional
DiputadoNational Assembly
DiputadoChamber of Deputies of Paraguay
PosełSejm of the Republic of Poland
DeputadoAssembly of the Republic
DeputatCamera Deputatilor
Депутат State Duma and regional legislative bodies
Narodni poslanici National Assembly
DeputyFederal Parliament
DiputadoCongress of Deputies
People's Deputy of Ukraine Verkhovna Rada
DiputadoNational Assembly of Venezuela
