Derung language

Dulong or Drung, Derung, Rawang, or Trung, is a Tibeto-Burman language in China. Dulong is closely related to the Rawang language of Myanmar. Although almost all ethnic Derung people speak the language to some degree, most are multilingual, also speaking Burmese, Lisu, and Mandarin Chinese except for a few very elderly people
Dulong is also called: Taron, Kiu, Qui, Kiutze, Qiuzi, Kiupa, Kiao, Metu, Melam, Tamalu, Tukiumu, Qiu, Nung, Nu-tzŭ.


Dulong belongs to the Nungish language family of the Central Tibeto-Burman branch of the Tibeto-Burman branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. The other two languages in the same family are Anong and Rawang.


Dulong/Rawang is a Tibeto-Burman language cluster spoken on both sides of the China/Myanmar border just south and east of Tibet. Within Myanmar, the people who speak the Dulong language live in northern Kachin State, particularly along the Mae Hka and Mali Hka River valleys. In the past, they had been called 'Hkanung' or 'Nung', and have often been considered to be a subgroup of the Kachin. Around 1950, speakers of this language in Myanmar began a movement to use the name /rəwɑŋ/ to represent all of its speakers. The speakers in China, though, continue to use the name 'Dulong'.

Geographic distribution

There are 14,000 people speaking in two dialects: 8,500 in Nu River dialect, and 5,500 in Dulong River dialect. The locations of Dulong are Yunnan province, Xizang Autonomous Region, Gongshan county, Bingzhongluo, and Tibet. In the past, the Dulong River was known as the Kiu river, and the Dulong people were known as the Kiu, Kiutze, Kiupa, or Kiao.


Dulong has two dialects: Dulong River, and Nu River. Dialects reportedly inherently intelligible. Other possible dialect names are Melam, Metu, Tamalu, and Tukiumu.



Dulong has twenty-four initial consonants at six points of articulation, plus the consonant clusters /pr, br, mr, kr, xr, gr, pl, bl, ml, kl, gl/ in initial position; only the consonants /p, t, ʔ, k, n, m, ŋ, r, l/ occur in final position.


Dulong has seven vowels, /i, ε, ə, ɑ, ɔ, ɯ, u/, and three diphthongs, /əi, ɑi, ɯi/, which only appear in open syllables.


Dulong has 3 tones: high level, high falling, and low falling. In the Dulong language, tone has the role of differentiating the meaning of a few words, with about 8% words completely relying on tones to distinguish them.


Words can be formed by prefixation, suffixation, or compounding. Word classes include nouns, defined by the ability to appear with a numeral classifier; verbs, defined by the ability to appear with negation and the person and tense marking; postpositions, which are enclitic to NPs, numerals, and classifiers. Adjectives are a subset of stative verbs for which reduplication means intensification or adverbialization rather than the perfective aspect. Adjectives can be used as predicates or can appear nominalized in a copula clause.


Lexical similarity: 74% with Matwang dialect of Rawang.