Dig (TV series)

Dig is an American mystery/action-thriller miniseries that premiered on USA Network on March 5, 2015, and ran until May 7. Created by Gideon Raff and Tim Kring, it stars Jason Isaacs as FBI Agent Peter Connelly and Anne Heche as Lynn Monahan, Peter's boss and occasional lover. When Peter investigates the murder of a young American in Jerusalem, he uncovers an international conspiracy thousands of years in the making. The series also stars Alison Sudol, David Costabile, Regina Taylor, Lauren Ambrose, Angela Bettis, and Ori Pfeffer. On May 12, 2015, USA Network cancelled Dig.


The story focuses on an FBI agent who is based in Jerusalem and discovers a plot that dates back 2000 years while investigating a murder. The focus is on the prophetic return of the Jewish temple.


The series is produced by Universal Cable Productions. It began filming in Jerusalem, but then moved production to Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Trogir, Croatia and later to Albuquerque, New Mexico, due to the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict. Isaacs stated that when the show was originally written the entire premise was around shooting in Jerusalem.


Six episodes of Dig were originally picked up for the miniseries, but this was later upped to ten episodes.