Digimon Next

Digimon Next is a Japanese manga series written by Tatsuya Hamazaki and illustrated by Takeshi Okano. It is the second Digimon manga and was serialized in Shueisha's V Jump magazine from 2006 to 2008. The main character is Tsurugi Tatsuno and is partnered with a Greymon. Tsurugi makes contact with the Digital World through his Digimon Mini virtual pet device and a "Battle Terminal", a virtual reality interface. Digimon can use the technology to materialize in the human world as well.


Tsurugi Tatsuno is a boy who competes in Virtual Digimon Battle tournaments. When a Kuwagamon appeared in the Real World, his Greymon came to life and protected him. Tsurugi is summoned to the Digital World by Piximon to save the Digital World from the evil Barbamon. Since his Digimon has a hexagon shape on him, it's an Illegal Digimon, meaning that Digimon bearing such symbols can help save the Digital World. Tsurugi's Greymon later De-Digivolves to Agumon and they meet other characters destined to save the Digital World from the forces of Barbamon. Now they must stop Barbamon and his minions before they get all the DigiMemories and take over both worlds.


Main characters

The 8 DigiMemories are pendants that are stopping Barbamon from taking over the Digital World. He will stop at nothing to get them. If he collects all of them, he'll recreate the Digital World in his image. Upon defeat, NEO regresses back to the 8 DigiMemories which rebuild the Digital World. Among the 8 DigiMemories are:
  1. Dark DigiMemory - Owned by Barbamon. Added to NEO after Barbamon's defeat.
  2. Bird DigiMemory - Owned by Shou Kahara until it was stolen by Barbamon, completing NEO.
  3. Holy DigiMemory - Stolen from Piximon and given to Barbamon. Now a part of NEO.
  4. Dragon DigiMemory - Owned by Tsurugi Tatsuno. Stolen by NEO to complete himself.
  5. Beast DigiMemory - Owned by Yuu Inui. Stolen by NEO to complete himself.
  6. Insect/Plant DigiMemory - Stolen from MegaKabuterimon and given to Barbamon. Suspected to be now part of NEO.
  7. Water DigiMemory - Owned by Ami Kitajima until it was claimed from her after her kidnapping and is now part of NEO.
  8. Machine/Mutant DigiMemory - Stolen from Andromon and given to Barbamon who uses it as a part of NEO.

    Volume list