Dordi Rural Municipality

Dordi Rural Municipality is one of the local level rural municipalities of Lamjung District, of its 8 local municipalities.
It has 9 wards and according to census 2011, 18,392 people live in here.
It has 350.93 square km area.
Its center is in the office of the previous Nauthar V.D.C.
Previous Bharte V.D.C., previous Archalbot V.D.C., previous Shree Manjang V.D.C., previous Nauthar V.D.C., previous Pachowk V.D.C,previous Dhodeni V.D.C, previous Faleni V.D.C.,previous Bansar V.D.C. and previous Hiletaksar V.D.C. are included in this newly made rural municipality.