Dudhpokhari Rural Municipality

Dudhpokhari Rural Municipality is one of the local level of Lamjung District out of 8 local levels. It has 6 wards and according to census 2011, 10,975 people live in here. It has 153.33 square km area. Its center is in the office of previous Gauda V.D.C. Gorkha District is in the east, Dordi Rural Municipality is in the west, Dordi Rural Municipality is in the north and Rainas Municipality and Gorkha District are in the south of Dudhpokhari Rural Municipality. Previous Dudhpokhari V.D.C., previous Bichaur V.D.C., previous Ilampokhari V.D.C., previous Kolki V.D.C. and previous Gauda V.D.C are included in this newly made municipality.