Doris Duke Performing Artist Award

The Doris Duke Performing Artist Award is a ten-year, 50 million dollar initiative undertaken by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation in partnership with Creative Capital, designed to "empower, invest in and celebrate artists by offering flexible, multi-year funding as a response to financial and funding challenges both unique to the performing arts and to each grantee". Started in 2011, the program supports artists in jazz, theatre, and dance.
The program offers two tiers of support: the Doris Duke Artist Award, offering up to $275,000 of individual support, and the Doris Duke Impact Award, offering up to $80,000 of individual support. The Doris Duke Artist Award recipients will be announced in classes of twenty between 2012 and 2016, and the Doris Duke Impact Award recipients will be announced in classes of twenty between 2014 and 2018.


Individuals become eligible for the Award when they have won at least three designated national grants, awards, or accolades from an , at least one of which must be funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. An anonymous panel reviews all eligible artists and selects the class of 20 every year. Individuals become eligible for the Doris Duke Impact Award when they have been nominated by an anonymous pool of artists and arts professionals. An anonymous panel reviews this pool and selects the class of 20 every year.


2018 Artist Award Recipients
2016 Artist Award Recipients
2015 Artist Award Recipients
2015 Impact Award Recipients
2014 Artist Award Recipients
2014 Impact Award Recipients
2013 Artist Award Recipients
2012 Artist Award Recipients