Double-J (manga)

Double-J is a Japanese manga series written by Eiji Nonaka and illustrated by Maru Asakura. It began serialization in July 2009 in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine. An 11-episode anime adaptation produced by DLE aired between June and September 2011.


In a school where after-school activities are mandatory for all students, Hajime and her friend Sayo come across a club that they have never seen before: the Cultural Activity Preservation Club. Members make handicrafts, such as mats and toothpicks, using traditional methods.


Traditional Art Inheritance Club

; Hajime Usami
; Sayo Arima
; Aya Chōsokabe
; Maria Sassa
; Ema Hōjō
; Ichirō Toba
; Shizuma Sanada

Manzai Study Group

; Françoise Sakai

Members' Family

; Hajime's Mother
; Ichirō's Father
; Yutaka Toba



The manga is written by Eiji Nonaka and illustrated by Maru Asakura. It began serialization on July 22, 2009 in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine. Five tankōbon volume have been published.


The 11-episodes anime adaptation is produced by DLE and directed by Azuma Tani. It aired between June 29 and September 14, 2011. The ending theme of the series is "Wani to Shampoo" by Momoiro Clover Z, released on their first album Battle and Romance. An insert song titled Kyō no Hi wa Sayōnara by the voice actors of Hajime Usami, Sayo Arima, Aya Chōsokabe, Maria Sassa, Ema Hōjō, Shizuma Sanada, Françoise Sakai and Yutaka Toba played in episode 11.

Episode list