EET Nº7 Taller Regional Quilmes (IMPA)

The Escuela de Educación Técnica Nº7 ,, is a high school institution in Quilmes City, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is directly administered by the Dirección General de Escuelas y Educación and the Argentine Air Force and located in the Area Material Quilmes.


Before the Area Material Quilmes was established in the place where now there was not an industrial facility called "IMPA" which was short for "Plastic Metalworkers Argentinas". When the school was founded in 1957, there was a tower within Quilmes, which had the IMPA logo painted on it; this tower is visible from the Avenue Otamendi. Then the tower was painted, although the slogan IMPA remained visible from despite painting. Finally the front of the tower was cut off and removed the IMPA slogan for this school and it earned the nickname "IMPA", in reference to that company. Later, the school adopted the theme and the fact that his motto in the Spanish acronym "Progress Action Master Identity".

History of the college

The school began operations in March 1957, first under the jurisdiction of the Regional Workshop Quilmes. The school's mission was to educate apprentices for the workshops of aircraft operators. On April 25, 1962, Quilmes Regional Workshop and the National Council of Technical Education agreed and the school officially began operating as a secondary school under the name of the National Technical Education School No. 4 "Taller de Quilmes regional" using the facilities and assets provided by the Argentinian Air Force. Since 1971, the electronics technician degree has been offered at the school, and it graduated its first class of electronics technicians in 1973. The title of Technical Aviation has offered since 1973, and it graduated its first class of aeronautical technicians in 1975. After the 1999 reforms of secondary schools in Buenos Aires, the electronics technician degree was replaced by the qualification of avionics technician. The school was renamed the School of Technical Education No. 7 "Taller Regional Quilmes"

Academic life

Classes begin at 7:35 and end at 15:30 with a second class finishing at 17:40.
To become a student at this institution, one must take an entrance exam which is evaluated. Mathematics is a necessary qualification. In the fourth year there is specialisation between Aeronautical and Avionics.

Years of study

Classes begin at 7:30 in the morning, ending at 5:40 in the afternoon.
Classes begin at 7:30 in the morning, ending at 3:40 in the afternoon.
Students enter the school in first year in the 3rd EGB cycle. If this is completed, students begin the Polimodal ; if this is completed, the student receives the bachelor diploma. If the student decides to do so, he can enter the technician year; if completed, the student receives the technician degree.


The school has a hangar with seven planes and two helicopters, along with motors, landing gear, etc. There is an avionics laboratory, pneumatics lab, hydraulics lab and digital electronics lab.
The school has a dining room and a cafeteria.
The school has a rugby and soccer field, together with a shot put field, javelin throw field, long jump field, high jump equipment, and a running track.


Classroom uniform:
Optional for winter:
Aeronautics uniform :
Avionics uniform :

School administration

The day-to-day administration of the school is headed by the principal, Hugo Cesar Jorge Alori. There is also a symbolic headmaster, who is an officer in the Argentinian Air Force, Comodoro Roberto E. Olgiati.
School Principaps since the accreditation from the Consejo Nacional de Educación Técnica :