East Los High is a teen dramaweb television series that revolves around the lives of a group of teens navigating their final years at a fictional high school in East LA. Created, written, and produced by Wise Entertainment, the series is Hulu's first and only series with an all Latino cast and crew and is predominantly filmed in East Los Angeles. The producers of the show work closely with numerous public health organizations to incorporate information within the storylines that encourage young Latinos to make healthy life choices. On May 19, 2017, Hulu announced that East Los High would not be renewed for a fifth season. Hulu instead ordered an eighty-three minute series finale that aired on December 1, 2017.
The series revolves around two teenage cousins—Jessie, who is a studious virgin, and Maya, a troubled runaway — who falls in love with Jacob, a popular football player. From this love triangle, Maya and Jessie must face true-to-life decisions involving sex, drugs, pregnancy, infidelity and peer pressure that will decide which one of them gets the boy and mark their lives forever.
All the sex, romance, and mystery continue when Ceci returns to East Los High to coach the Bomb Squad. She struggles to take the unruly dance team to the state championships while dealing with her own issues at home as a single mom in a relationship that becomes unexpectedly violent. The East Los High hallways are filled with a new cast of students risking it all for love, leading up to a scandalous turn of events that makes this another breathtaking and suspenseful school year, but will they make it out to survive?
Season 3
Camila finally confronts a dark secret from her past. But in trying to keep her sister Gina and boyfriend Nic from harm, she risks losing her own life and her one true love. Meanwhile, the stakes are higher than ever when Ceci invites boys to join the Bomb Squad and the sexy new team takes on some stiff competition.
Season 4
The seniors get ready for graduation and saying goodbye to East Los High. When school is out for the summer, the new Bomb Squad heads off to dance camp with sexy newcomers who tempt Gina and Eddie's relationship, on and off the dance floor. Camila and Jesus rekindle their love affair and must fight against the odds as they attempt to live a crime-free life. Ceci decides to chase her dreams, but finds that reality is tougher than she imagined, and when Jacob misbehaves, hearts are broken and the family business is threatened in more ways than one. This season, wedding bells ring while danger lurks in the streets of East LA, and the students must rise to action for what they believe in. Someone will risk it all to fight for their future and for true love, making this an unforgettable summer.
The first season of East Los High consisted of 24 episodes and was independently shot, produced, and edited before being picked up and licensed by Hulu. The show premiered in June 2013 and has become one of the platform's top 10 shows. In January 2014, Hulu announced that the series had been renewed for a second season, set to premiere in the summer of 2014. One week after the premiere of the new season, East Los High was renewed for its third season. On December 15, 2015, the series was renewed for a fourth season, marking it as Hulu's longest running original series.