Emeril Live was a television program that aired on the Food Network from 1997 to 2007 and then on Fine Living from 2008 to 2010. Hosted by Emeril Lagasse, Emeril Live featured many of the same elements as Emeril's other program, Essence of Emeril and often had a Creole theme. The program was taped in front of a live audience in New York City and featured music played by Doc Gibbs and the Emeril Live Band. In 2004, the program moved to Chelsea Market. Emeril Live began production in 1997, and won a CableACE Award for "Best Informational Show" later that year. The program featured a wide variety of cuisine from cajun to stir-fry and often featured well-known chefs as guests who cook alongside Emeril. Some of the celebrities that appeared on the program include Charlie Daniels, Patti LaBelle, Michael McDonald, Joe Perry, Sammy Hagar, Aretha Franklin, Patton Oswalt, and Jimmy Buffett. Emeril sometimes let the audience taste the food that he prepares. He was known for his use of catchphrases, such as "Pork fat rules", "Kick it up a notch", "Oh, yeah babe", and "Bam!", which he used when adding seasoning to the food that he was preparing. On November 27, 2007, the Food Network revealed it would halt production on the program on December 11, 2007. On May 20, 2008, the Fine Living network revealed that it would start airing Emeril Live, including never-before-seen episodes, beginning July 7, 2008. The show ended in 2010.
Set design
When Emeril Live premiered in 1997, the show's first set consisted of a gray kitchen table, Viking Range appliances, and a black stage curtain, which can be seen behind the studio audience. This set lasted until 1999. The second Emeril Live set, which ran from 1999 to 2004. The set consisted of a brown kitchen table, Viking Range appliances, and the letter "E", which can be seen on the stage curtain behind the studio audience. From 1999 to 2002, the color of the letter "E" on the stage curtain behind the studio audience was green, and from 2002 to 2004, the color of the letter "E" on the stage curtain behind the studio audience was purple. The third and final Emeril Live set, which ran from 2004 until the show's ending in 2010. The set consisted of brand new Viking Range appliances, a brand new kitchen table, and picture frames made out of food. This set was changed when chef Lagasse moved to Chelsea Market, and there have been ongoing changes to the set ever since. Emeril Lagasse can make his entrance to the Emeril Live set, from the top of stairs in a spiral, to the bottom in the kitchen when each episode began. In one episode, Mario Batali enters the Emeril Live set, instead of Lagasse, because he's in a wheelchair. Beginning in mid-2005, and ran until the show's ending in 2010, Lagasse makes his entrance with his apron on, and goes straight to the kitchen.