EBNA2 requires C-promoter binding factor 1 to aid in binding to its cis-responsive DNA element, the C promoter. Binding occurs during infection, to generate a 120kb transcript that encodes all nuclear antigens required for immortalization by EBV.2 Mutation of EBNA2 amino acid 323 and 324, which are located within a highly conservedamino acid motif, abolished the interaction with CBF1.3 This same mutation also abolished the ability of EBNA-2 to activate the Cp. EBNA-LP and EBNA2 are the first two proteins expressed in latent infection of primary B lymphocytes. EBNA-LP stimulates EBNA2 activation of the LMP1 promoter and of the LMP1/LMP2B bidirectional transcriptional regulatory element whereas EBNA-LP alone only has a negative effect. EBNA2 transactivates the promoters of the latent membrane antigens LMP, TP1 and TP2. Additionally, EBNA2 interacts with an EBNA2 responsive cis-element of the TP1 promoter. Interactions with both the TP1 and LMP/TP2 promoters occur at at least one binding site for the cellular repressor proteinRBP-Jκ. EBNA2 is tethered to the EBNA2 responsive promoter elements by interacting with RBP-Jκ, a human recombination signal sequencebinding protein. Specific responsive elements that share the core sequence GTGGGAA have been discovered in several of the promoters activated by EBNA2. A similar core sequence has recently been identified as a binding site in RBP-Jκ. The binding of RBP-Jκ is not sufficient for EBNA2-mediated trans activation. An activated form of the Notch receptor can transactivate a reporter construct containing a hexamer of the two RBP-Jκ binding sites of the TP1 promoter. This supports the idea that EBNA2 acts as a functional equivalent of an activated Notch receptor. EBNA2 also interacts with the human homolog of the yeast transcription factor as it coelutes with both hSNF5/Ini1 and BRG1. BRG1 is a human homolog of SWI/SNF2. However, this interaction is restricted to a subpopulation of phosphorylated viral EBNA2. EBNA2-hSNF5/Ini1 interaction adds credit to the idea that EBNA2 facilitates transcriptional transactivation by acting as a transcription adapter molecule. Possibly, EBNA2 engages the hSNF-SWI complex to generate an open chromatin conformation at the EBNA2-responsive target genes. This then potentiates the function of the RBP-JK-EBNA2-polymerase II transcription complex.