
Escholzmatt-Marbach is a municipality in the district of Entlebuch in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland. On 1 January 2013 the former municipalities of Escholzmatt and Marbach merged to form the new municipality of Escholzmatt-Marbach.


Escholzmatt is first mentioned in 1160 as Askolvismatte. In 1240 it was mentioned as Askoltispach and Asholtismate, in 1275 it was mentioned as Aeschelsmat. Marbach is first mentioned in 1306 as Marpach.


The former municipalities that now make up Escholzmatt-Marbach have a total combined area of.
Escholzmatt had an area of. Of this area, 50% is used for agricultural purposes, while 44.1% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 3.1% is settled and the remainder is non-productive. The former municipality is located on the watershed between the Grosse and Kleine Emme rivers. The lowest elevation in the municipality is while the highest is on the Schrattenfluh by Hengst. It consists of the village of Escholzmatt and the hamlets of Lehn, Feldmoos, Wiggen, and Dürrenbach.
Marbach had an area of. Of this area, 45.3% is used for agricultural purposes, while 47.4% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 2.6% is settled and the remainder is non-productive. The former municipality is located in the southwest corner of the Canton.


The total population of Escholzmatt-Marbach is.

Historic population

The historical population is given in the following chart:

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ScaleMinor = gridcolor:lightgrey increment:200 start:0
id:ES value:yellowgreen legend:Escholzmatt
id:MA value:green legend:Marbach
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bar:1850 from: 0 till:3348 text:"3,348" color:ES
bar:1860 from: 0 till:3075 text:"3,075" color:ES
bar:1870 from: 0 till:3096 text:"3,096" color:ES
bar:1880 from: 0 till:3169 text:"3,169" color:ES
bar:1890 from: 0 till:3086 text:"3,086" color:ES
bar:1900 from: 0 till:3127 text:"3,127" color:ES
bar:1910 from: 0 till:3237 text:"3,237" color:ES
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bar:1940 from: 0 till:3518 text:"3,518" color:ES
bar:1950 from: 0 till:3509 text:"3,509" color:ES
bar:1960 from: 0 till:3257 text:"3,257" color:ES
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bar:1860 from: 3075 till:4748 text:"1,673" color:MA
bar:1870 from: 3096 till:4862 text:"1,766" color:MA
bar:1880 from: 3169 till:4786 text:"1,617" color:MA
bar:1890 from: 3086 till:4685 text:"1,599" color:MA
bar:1900 from: 3127 till:4618 text:"1,491" color:MA
bar:1910 from: 3237 till:4760 text:"1,523" color:MA
bar:1920 from: 3252 till:4706 text:"1,454" color:MA
bar:1930 from: 3376 till:4801 text:"1,425" color:MA
bar:1940 from: 3518 till:4951 text:"1,433" color:MA
bar:1950 from: 3509 till:4911 text:"1,402" color:MA
bar:1960 from: 3257 till:4604 text:"1,347" color:MA
bar:1970 from: 3161 till:4426 text:"1,265" color:MA
bar:1980 from: 3033 till:4193 text:"1,160" color:MA
bar:1990 from: 3083 till:4303 text:"1,220" color:MA
bar:2000 from: 3229 till:4404 text:"1,175" color:MA


Escholzmatt has an average of 153 days of rain per year and on average receives of precipitation. The wettest month is June during which time Escholzmatt receives an average of of precipitation. During this month there is precipitation for an average of 15.1 days. The month with the most days of precipitation is May, with an average of 15.5, but with only of precipitation. The driest month of the year is February with an average of of precipitation over 15.1 days.
Marbach has an average of 162.3 days of rain per year and on average receives of precipitation. The wettest month is June during which time Marbach receives an average of of precipitation. During this month there is precipitation for an average of 16.4 days. The month with the most days of precipitation is May, with an average of 16.9, but with only of precipitation. The driest month of the year is February with an average of of precipitation over 16.4 days.