FIRST Lego League Open Championships

FIRST LEGO League Open Championships are robotics competitions held and managed by FIRST LEGO League Partners to bring FLL teams from many states, regions and countries together to compete in host cities around the world. These are the highest level of FLL competitions that are managed by organizations other than FIRST. The FIRST-managed global competition for FLL is FLL World Festival. There are usually multiple Open Championships each year.

FIRST LEGO League Open European Championship

2006 Eindhoven, Netherlands

The 2006 FIRST LEGO League Open European Championship was held May 6,7 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The venue was the Technical University of Eindhoven. 84 teams from 27 countries competed for the Awards in this year's season "Ocean Odyssey".

2007 Bodø, Norway

The 2007 FIRST LEGO League Open European Championship was held from May 16 to 21 in Bodø, Norway. There were 66 teams from Austria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.
The theme for the competition was Nano Quest to challenge participating teams to research and design new solutions using nanotechnology. It also had a standard FLL tournament for the teams to compete. There were many awards in the competitions including FLL OEC Champion's Award, Research Award, Presentation Award, Robot Design Award, Programmers Award, Innovative Design Award, Robot Performance Award, Coach/Mentor Award, Teamwork Award, Against All Odds Award, and Team Spirit Award.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2007 / Nano QuestFLL OEC Champions AwardAmaze RobinhoIstanbul, Turkey
2007 / Nano QuestProject AwardRISboticsEindhoven, Netherlands
2007 / Nano QuestResearch AwardAmaze RobinhoIstanbul, Turkey
2007 / Nano QuestPresentation AwardWidcombe WrobotiersBath, United Kingdom
2007 / Nano QuestRobot Design Award, 1st placeRISboticsEindhoven, Netherlands
2007 / Nano QuestRobot Design Award, 2nd placeJunkYard BabiesBorlänge, Sweden
2007 / Nano QuestProgrammers AwardNano-X-TitusPekin, IL, United States
2007 / Nano QuestInnovative Design AwardWidcombe WrobotiersBath, United Kingdom
2007 / Nano QuestRobot Performance Award, 1st placeCompassChina
2007 / Nano QuestRobot Performance Award, 2nd placeFirst EditionBorlänge, Sweden
2007 / Nano QuestCoach/Mentor AwardYellow River ChildrenChina
2007 / Nano QuestTeamwork AwardSuper Hyper Quantum KangaroosPortland, OR, United States

2009 Copenhagen, Denmark

The open championship for 2009 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from May 1 to May 3. The event was called Children's Climate Call with teams answering a call to address the global issue of climate change. The event followed standard FLL championship with a tournament and presentation. There were many awards in technical, project presentation, and special recognition categories. The highest award was FLL OEC Champion's Award. Fifty five teams from 29 countries and states around the world presented their solutions in two groups, Climate Connections and Climate Actions. The participants also enjoyed a visit by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2009 / Climate ConnectionsFLL OEC Champion's AwardNXT GenerationsDenmark
2009 / Climate ConnectionsRobot Performance Award, 1st placeEquipe TerradróideBrazil
2009 / Climate ConnectionsRobot Performance Award, 2nd placeJiangzhe united teamChina

2010 Istanbul, Turkey

The 2010 First Lego League Open European Championship was held June 2,3 2010 in Istanbul, Turkey. 56 teams competed for the Awards. The venue was the Haliç Congress Center which has a rich historical background. In the old etchings, the area of center can be seen as a slaughterhouse. The building took its recent neoclassic form in the 1920s.
Haliç Congress Center contains four different types of buildings. These buildings are; Cinema Building, Concert Hall, Theatre Building and Exhibition Hall. All of them are equipped with the latest technology. The center is located in the inner area of Haliç.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2010 Smart MoveFLL OEC Champions AwardTeam SingaporeSingapore
2010 Smart MoveProject AwardDASSaudi Arabia
2010 Smart MoveRobot Performance Award, 1st placeIntegraTurkey
2010 Smart MoveRobot Performance Award, 2nd placeMCGBotsGermany
2010 Smart MoveTeamwork AwardIntegraTurkey
2010 Smart MoveRobot Design AwardSuperboomSouth Africa
2010 Smart MoveResearch AwardTechno FutureEgypt
2010 Smart MoveProgramming AwardToin Robotics Jr.Japan
2010 Smart MoveTeam Spirit AwardC-ForceChina
2010 Smart MoveInnovative Solution AwardDie SeeTurkey
2010 Smart MoveInnovative Design AwardRobotixTremeSwitzerland
2010 Smart MoveCreative Presentation AwardCaro AcesGermany
2010 Smart MoveAgainst All Odds AwardVan Gölü CanavarlaiTurkey
2010 Smart MoveCoach / mentor AwardOlleh Korea!!!South Korea
2010 Smart MoveJury AwardSpain

2011 Delft, Netherlands

The 2011 FLL Open European Championship was held June 2–4 in Delft, Netherlands. 67 teams competed at the event held at the Delft University of Technology. The competition theme was Body Forward, on the topic of biomedical engineering.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2011 / Body ForwardChampion's Award 1st PlaceGermany
2011 / Body ForwardChampion's Award 2nd PlaceInfinityNetherlands
2011 / Body ForwardChampion's Award 3rd PlaceAl-XavierThailand

2012 Mannheim, Germany

The FLL Open European Championship took place in Mannheim, Germany, from June 6 to June 9, 2012.
It hosted 67 teams from more than 35 countries. The competition theme was Food Factor, on the topic of food safety.
FLL OEC Champion1stBINTULU HAWKSMalaysia
FLL OEC Champion2ndINC.8India
FLL OEC Champion3rdRed Hot TomatoesIsrael
Robot Game1stH.C UnionChina
Robot Game2ndStraight into T-junctionJapan
Robot Game3rdMechatronic AntsSpain
Robot Design / Mechanical Design1stNXT GenerationDenmark
Robot Design / Mechanical Design2ndCIBERBOTSMexico
Robot Design / Mechanical Design3rdEmeq EaglesIsrael
Robot Design / Programming1stSAP Robonova XLGermany
Robot Design / Programming2ndRobo-RaptorsCanada
Robot Design / Programming3rdH.D.U. teamChina
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation1stWestsideUSA
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation2ndmindfactorySwitzerland
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation3rdLEGObustersNetherlands
Core Values / Inspiration1stThe MooversUSA
Core Values / Inspiration2ndSAP ReMovers 4.0Germany
Core Values / Inspiration3rdFood KidzNetherlands
Core Values / Teamwork1stEpunkt e.Germany
Core Values / Teamwork2ndNXTeamSweden
Core Values / Teamwork3rdDaCubsSouth Africa
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism1stSAP 40 Termin8torsIreland
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism2ndThe KookaGumJoeysAustralia
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism3rdRoostersSlovenia
Project / Research1stTIC TAC TOELibanon
Project / Research2ndSt Thomas´Food-o-botsUK
Project / Research3rdSci-BorgsCanada
Project / Innovative Solutions1stSAP MoonWalkers 4.0India
Project / Innovative Solutions2ndLEGO MasterNorway
Project / Innovative Solutions3rdGiantsLebanon
Project / Presentation1stApoioBotBrazil
Project / Presentation2ndSunny UnitedSouth Korea
Project / Presentation3rdLucky 7Turkey
Judges AwardCrusoebots 2.0Chile
Adult Coach Mentor AwardEmeq EaglesIsrael
Youth Mentor AwardSimon Hagen, Epunkt e.Germany

2013 Paderborn, Germany

The Open European Championship 2013 took place in Paderborn, Germany, from May 7 to May 10, 2013.
It hosted 54 teams from more than 35 countries. The competition theme was Senior Solutions. This year, the teams had to find solutions to help older people in their daily lives, thus improving their life quality.
The Open European Championship 2014 will take place in Pamplona, Spain, from May 28 to May 31, 2014. The event gathered 95 FLL teams, over 1.500 attendees, from 41 countries all over the world.
FLL OEC 2014 Champion1stSpain
FLL OEC 2014 Champion2ndUSA
FLL OEC 2014 Champion3rdWatt's 2 Clean?The Netherlands

2016 Tenerife, Spain

The Open European Championship 2016 took place in Tenerife, Spain, from May 4 to May 7, 2016. 89 FLL-Teams from 40 countries from all over the world competed in the FLL 2015/2016 Trash Trek challenge at the OEC. The teams had to find solutions for better recycling, waste management and waste reduction.
FLL OEC Champion2ndGalaxy RobosJordan
FLL OEC Champion3rdTeam PolyGoneIndia
Robot-Design / Mechanical1stSlovakia
Robot-Design / Mechanical2ndRobot ArtistsRepublic of Korea
Robot-Design / Mechanical3rdMontenegro
Robot-Design / Programming1stGermany
Robot-Design / Programming2ndGermany
Robot-Design / Programming3rdBrazil
Robot-Design / Strategy & Innovation1stAustralia
Robot-Design / Strategy & Innovation2ndSpain
Robot-Design / Strategy & Innovation3rdSlovenia
Core Values / Inspiration1stEpiscopal Collegiate LegoCatsUnited States
Core Values / Inspiration2ndA.C.M.E.Italy
Core Values / Inspiration3rdPakistan
Core Values / Teamwork1stROBOCOONSMexico
Core Values / Teamwork2ndUnited States
Core Values / Teamwork3rdSouth Africa
Core Values / Grasious Professionalism1stSESI MEGASNAKESBrazil
Core Values / Grasious Professionalism2ndSAPHARIGermany
Core Values / Grasious Professionalism3rdSlovenia
Project / Research1stTechno-fusionLebanon
Project / Research2ndTeam FanaticDenmark
Project / Research3rdROBO AXIONGreece
Project / Innovative Solution1stBrazil
Project / Innovative Solution2ndTribloxEstonia
Project / Innovative Solution3rdUnited Kingdom
Project / Presentation1stBrazil
Project / Presentation2ndKRONOS La VallSpain
Project / Presentation3rdELI-minator-GangGermany
Judges / Rising Star1stSpain
Judges / Rising Star2ndSiberian HeartsRussia
Judges / Rising Star3rdThe Netherlands
Judges / Entrepreneurship1stAngry BullsMexico
Judges / Entrepreneurship2ndFrance
Judges / Entrepreneurship3rdTEZUKAYAMA AlphaJapan
Judges / Coach1stMonteroMontenegro
Judges / Coach2ndIsrael
Judges / Coach3rdThe Netherlands
VolunteerSara Ibaceta

2017 Aarhus, Denmark

The 2017 FIRST LEGO League Open European Championship has taken place in Navitas Research Institute in Aarhus, Denmark from May 25 to 28, 2017. A total of 118 teams from 50 countries from all over the world attended the invitational championship in Aarhus, Denmark.
Champions AwardGoldMalaysia
Champions AwardSilverSwitzerland
Champions AwardBronzeAustralia
Robot Performance1stSAPHARIGermany
Robot Performance2ndRescueGermany
Robot Performance3rdRoboSuns OS KoperSlovenia
Mechanical Design Award1stBeaversSpain
Mechanical Design Award2ndTECMADEBrazil
Mechanical Design Award3rdIntersection ConferoTurkey
Programming Award1stSAPHARIGermany
Programming Award2ndHFG-RoboSGermany
Programming Award3rdNetherlands
Strategy and Innovation Award1stFIRST FUJISAN ROARJapan
Strategy and Innovation Award2ndTeam SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousIndia
Strategy and Innovation Award3rdGSG RobotsGermany
Inspiration Award1stDutch DeltaNetherlands
Inspiration Award2ndMaynard Wine GumsEngland
Inspiration Award3rdVoyager 6United States
Core Values Award1stPARROTSSpain
Core Values Award2ndNXT EV3lutionDanmark
Core Values Award3rdElectronic FalconsSpain
Gracious Professionalism Award1stGalilegosBrazil
Gracious Professionalism Award2ndStem CellsAustralian
Gracious Professionalism Award3rdENIGMAIndia
Best Research Award1stImagineersSouth Africa
Best Research Award2ndSESI CERQUIBOTICOSBrazil
Best Research Award3rdDYCI Blue Ocean 10Philippines
Innovative Solution Award1stSlovenia
Innovative Solution Award2ndUnderConstructionLebanon
Innovative Solution Award3rdAmazeing 10Hong Kong SAR
Presentation Award1stFuture FalconsUAE
Presentation Award2ndBright EngineersJordan
Presentation Award3rdSmartiesNorway
Rising Star AwardTeam ApolloAustralia
Against All Odds AwardNAS TeamLebanon
Best Mentor AwardDYCI Blue Ocean 10Philippines

FIRST LEGO League Asia-Pacific Open Championship

2008 Tokyo, Japan

The 2008 FIRST LEGO League Open Asian Championship was held from April 27 to 29 in Tokyo, Japan. The event was held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. There were 55 teams from Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States that joined the competition in the theme of Power Puzzle.
The following awards were given:
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2008 / Power PuzzleFLL OAC Champion's AwardJolly RogerSkövde, Sweden
2008 / Power PuzzleRobot Performance Award, 1st placeicNRGEindhoven, Netherlands
2008 / Power PuzzleRobot Performance Award, 2nd placeJolly RogerSkövde, Sweden

2010 Kaohsiung, Taiwan

The 2010 First Lego League Open International Championship was held May 6–8, 2010 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 64 teams from 24 countries competed for the Awards. The venue was the Kaohsiung Arena. The Kaohsiung Arena is located at the intersection of Bo'ai Road and Sinjhuangzai Road. It extends over a total area of 56,000 square meters. This state-of-the-art and multifunctional sports arena, with a seating capacity of 15,000, is also known to the citizens of Kaohsiung as 'Xiaojudan'.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2010 Smart MoveChampion's AwardAttraktiv Und PreiswertGermany
2010 Smart MoveTeam Spirit AwardchakkhamThailand
2010 Smart MoveAgainst All Odds AwardJunior KidsFaroe Islands
2010 Smart MoveTeamwork AwardPower KingsMalaysia
2010 Smart MoveCoach / Mentor AwardStars Lego SesiBrasil
2010 Smart MoveCreative PresentationSS501Taiwan
2010 Smart MoveInnovative Solution AwardNXT GenerationEindhoven, Netherlands
2010 Smart MoveResearch Quality AwardTeam Brick HowesUSA
2010 Smart MoveRobot Performance AwardAuto RubikTaiwan
2010 Smart MoveInnovative Design AwardJedi WhiteSingapore
2010 Smart MoveProgramming AwardMXT IsraelIsrael
2010 Smart MoveRobot Design AwardWestsideUSA
2010 Smart MoveLocal AwardAuto RubikTaiwan
2010 Smart MoveJudge's Awardthe Sun's DescentsTaiwan

2013 Sydney, Australia

The 2013 First Lego League Asia-Pacific Open Championship was held in Macquarie University, Sydney, from the 4th to 6 July 2013. 30 teams came from countries including India, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Egypt, Australia and Thailand.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, Country
2013 Senior SolutionsChampion's AwardTeam R FactorMumbai, India
2013 Senior SolutionsProject ResearchTeam NeXTDelhi, India
2013 Senior SolutionsProject InnovationSESI LegotoobbiesBrazil
2013 Senior SolutionsProject PresentationFranco DroidsBrazil
2013 Senior SolutionsProgrammingLego LordsBrazil
2013 Senior SolutionsRobot PerformanceHDU China
2013 Senior SolutionsMechanical DesignDongHai SchoolChina
2013 Senior SolutionsProgrammingProject BucephalusAustralia

2015 Sydney, Australia

The 2015 First Lego League Asia-Pacific Open Championship was held at Macquarie University, Sydney, from the 10th to 12 July 2015.
More than 40 teams from around the globe came to participate.
'Against all odds’ Judges AwardFusion Core XPakistan
‘Rising Star’ Judges AwardDeccan TechniciansIndia
‘All-Rounder’ Judges AwardBAZINGABrazil
Mechanical Design AwardRobobuildersLebanon
Programming AwardBaCoN Lego TeamAustralia
Strategy & Innovation AwardsAPG TigersGermany
Robot Performance Award Transformers of TaiwanTaiwan
Teamwork AwardNucleólicosMexico
Inspiration AwardUbuntu ImagineersPhilippines
Gracious Professionalism AwardNewton BustersUSA
Research AwardICEHong Kong
Innovative Solution AwardThe NocturnalistsThailand
Creative Presentation AwardSESI ItapêRobotaBrazil
Champion’s AwardSESI Robotic GenerationBrazil

2016 Sydney, Australia

The Asia Pacific Open 2016 took place in Sydney, Australia on the 3-5 of July 2016.

2017 Sydney, Australia

The Asia Pacific Open 2017 took place in Sydney, Australia on the 6–9 July 2017.

FIRST LEGO League North American Open Championship

2009 Dayton, Ohio

FIRST LEGO League United States Open Championship was held for the first time from May 7 to 9 at Wright State University campus in Dayton, Ohio. It was the first national level competition of FIRST LEGO League in the United States not organized by FIRST. The event was organized by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Wright State University. There were 60 teams around the country each of which was the Championship's Award winner of each state/region. Each team completed 9 tasks on a competition table in a 2.5 minute robot round. Teams also meet with judges for evaluation of their robot design, programming and their problem-solving strategies, and their research project, which is tied to the Challenge theme. There were many award categories with the top three winners receiving Champion's Awards.
Year / ThemeAward nameTeamCity, State/Country
2009 / Climate ConnectionsChampion's Award 1st PlaceLandroidsLivingston, NJ
2009 / Climate ConnectionsChampion's Award 2nd PlaceCougarsColumbus, OH
2009 / Climate ConnectionsChampion's Award 3rd PlaceFire Breathing Rubber DuckiesPortland, OR

2011 Carlsbad, California

The 2011 FLL North American Open Championship was held May 21–22 in Carlsbad, California. 76 teams competed at the event held at LEGOLAND California. The competition theme was Body Forward. The awards given were:
The first of two 2012 North American Open Championships will be held May 18–20 in Carlsbad, California at LEGOLAND California. It will be joined by its newly opened sister park Legoland Florida in Winter Haven, FL which will also host a tournament May 4–6. The competition theme is Food Factor.

FIRST LEGO League International Open Championship Canada

2014 Toronto, Canada

The 2014 FIRST LEGO League International Open Canada was held June 4–7 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The venue was the University of Toronto, downtown campus, specifically in Varsity Arena. 72 teams from countries around the world will be competing for robotic supremacy in the "Nature's Fury" theme. For more information on the event, please visit
Champion1stRotatech StarsTurkey
Champion2ndSESI ItapeRobotaBrazil
Champion3rdHeat it Up and Keep it CoolCalifornia, USA
Robot Game1stSC China
Robot Game2ndSESI ItapeRobota Brazil
Robot Design / Mechanical Design1stThe Kin-nectsOntario, Canada
Robot Design / Mechanical Design2ndWhitfield Academy Red StormKentucky, USA
Robot Design / Programming1stProject BucephalusAustralia
Robot Design / Programming2ndBrick WarriorsMichigan, USA
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation1stKeep Calm and Order PizzaSingapore
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation2ndKrulle-Go!The Netherlands
Core Values / Inspiration1stDéjà vuFlorida, USA
Core Values / Inspiration2ndNeon ElectronsMissouri, USA
Core Values / Teamwork1stElectrosIndia
Core Values / Teamwork2nddbp Team MirandolaItaly
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism1stWorld ChangersIowa, USA
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism2ndLes Caches a L’eauQuebec, Canada
Project / Research1stCategory 10Ontario, Canada
Project / Research2ndFloral Park Brick HeadsNew York, USA
Project / Innovative Solutions1stNot the Droids You Are Looking ForPennsylvania, USA
Project / Innovative Solutions2ndHeight DifferentialMinnesota, USA
Project / Presentation1stGEETecBrazil
Project / Presentation2ndBlackoutOntario, Canada

FIRST LEGO League Open Africa Championship

2015 Johannesburg, South Africa

The 2015 First Lego League Open Africa Championship was held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from the 5th to 7 May 2015.
Champion1stSESI RobonaticosBrazil
Robot Game1stSESI Robonaticos Brazil
Robot Game2ndSESI Mega Snakes Brazil
Robot Design Strategy1stFIRST FUJISANJapan
Robot Design Strategy2ndLICEO ROSMINI IPECItaly
Robot Design Mechanical Design1stGO ROBOTGermany
Robot Design Mechanical Design2ndKASAPIN40Bulgaria
Robot Design Programming1stGEETecBrazil
Robot Design Programming2ndCaroAcesGermany
Project Research Process1stMAYDAY RETURNSIndia
Project Research Process2ndTIC TAC TOELebanon
Project Presentation1stRobosuns OS KoperSlovenia
Project Presentation2ndPitalegòricsSpain
Project Innovative Solution1stDream TeamSouth Africa
Project Innovative Solution2ndLegowlIsrael
Core Values Teamwork1stSESI MEGA SnakesBrazil
Core Values Teamwork2ndRevolutionTurkey
Core Values Inspiring Award1stSESI FênixBrazil
Core Values Inspiring Award2ndSESI TurbotubiesBrazil
Core Values Gracious Professionalism1stSAP CheeseSouth Africa
Core Values Gracious Professionalism2ndDivergentLebanon

FIRST LEGO League Razorback Invitational Championship

2015 Fayetteville, Arkansas

The FLL Razorback Invitational is a 72-team, invitational, FIRST LEGO League, championship tournament that was most recently held May 14–17, 2015, on the University of Arkansas campus. The event is hosted by the Freshman Engineering Program at the University of Arkansas. For more information on the event, please visit
Champion1stNot the Droids You Are Looking ForPittsburgh, PA, USA
Champion2ndBlue SharksKfar Yona, Israel
Champion3rdSh!ft1La Crosse, Wisconsin
Robot Game1stClimbers Tokorozawa, Japan
Robot Game2ndNot the Droids You Are Looking For Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Robot Game3rdBlue Sharks Kfar Yona, Israel
Robot Design / Mechanical Design1stClimbersTokorozawa, Japan
Robot Design / Mechanical Design2ndSIZARSIncheon, Korea
Robot Design / Mechanical Design3rdMAKbotsSan Antonio, Texas, USA
Robot Design / Programming1stCoSmIC FUSiONSussex, Wisconsin, USA
Robot Design / Programming2ndis LOSTToronto, Ontario, Canada
Robot Design / Programming3rd15 PercentMadison, Alabama, USA
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation1stBaker's DozenGranger, Indiana, USA
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation2ndLEGO LegionCincinnati, Ohio, USA
Robot Design / Strategy and Innovation3rdMustechsValrico, Florida, USA
Core Values / Inspiration1stRockin' RoboticsRockwall, Texas, USA
Core Values / Inspiration2ndThe Knights That Say NiWollongong, Australia
Core Values / Inspiration3rdRobotworks YHacienda Heights, California, USA
Core Values / Teamwork1stThe Electro‐CutiesAlpine, Utah, USA
Core Values / Teamwork2ndB.O.L.T. Moncks Corner, South Carolina, USA
Core Values / Teamwork3rdHarry Bot‐tersSouth Jordan, Utah, USA
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism1stNERDsShawnee, Oklahoma, USA
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism2ndTaz Bot RENEGADESBoca Raton, Florida, USA
Core Values / Gracious Professionalism3rdthe LunaTechsCary, North Carolina, USA
Project / Research1stSeven WondersMt. Washington, Kentucky, USA
Project / Research2ndHotshot HotwiresSomers, New York, USA
Project / Research3rdWorld ChangersDavenport, Iowa, USA
Project / Innovative Solutions1stLego AdrenalineSergeant Bluff, Iowa, USA
Project / Innovative Solutions2ndLions in the KitchenEmek Heffer, Israel
Project / Innovative Solutions3rdTeam PhoenixLafayette, Louisiana, USA
Project / Presentation1stBraille Boys & AnnieCumming, Georgia, USA
Project / Presentation2ndDouble HelixMumbai, India
Project / Presentation3rdTAZ BOTSBoynton Beach, Florida, USA

2016 Fayetteville, Arkansas

The 2016 Razorback Invitational was held in Fayetteville, Arkansas from May 19-22, 2016.

2017 Fayetteville, Arkansas

The 2017 Razorback Invitational was held in Fayetteville, Arkansas from May 18-21, 2017.

FIRST LEGO League Mountain State Invitational

2017 Fairmont, West Virginia

The 2017 Mountain State Invitational was held at Faimont State University in Fairmont, West Virginia from July 7-9, 2017.

2019 Fairmont, West Virginia

The 2017 Mountain State Invitational was held at Faimont State University in Fairmont, West Virginia from July 12-14, 2019.
Champion1stGametechGoiânia, Brazil
Champion2ndLEGO of OlympusGoiânia, Brazil
Champion3rdLEGO LegionCincinnati, Ohio, USA

FIRST LEGO International Open

2008 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

The international open for 2008 was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota from May 1-3, 2008. The event was called HighTechKids First Lego League International Open using the Power Puzzle challenge. Teams event had the standard judging and performance aspects as well as a head to head competition and an alliance challenge. For the alliance challenge teams were assigned to an alliance made up of 4 teams at the beginning of the tournament.
Research QualityShebotsMinnesota
Innovative SolutionEagleKnightsMexico
Creative PresentationSaberRoboticsTexas
TeamworkRobotical MindsColombia
Robot PerformanceMech MastersFlorida
Team SpiritTechno DolphinsSouth Carolina
SportsmanshipMajesty HybridsKentucky
Innovative DesignTechno TravelersMinnesota
ProgrammingTeam Happy FaceIllinois
IREE Alternative Energy AwardFish in the BoatMinnesota
Judge's AwardCFCBrazil
Judge's AwardThe GearHeadsIllinois
Seagate International Alliance AwardMuskies
Champions AwardAttraktivundpreiswertGermany

2019 Byblos, Lebanon

The 2019 FLL Open International was the first international open championship held in the Arab World, co-organized by the Education and Technology Center, FIRST LEGO League operational partners in Lebanon, and the Lebanese American University - LAU in Byblos between June 14 and June 16, 2019 under the patronage of the president of the council of ministers Mr. Saad Hariri.
The event joined 72 teams from 35 countries from 5 continents, with 684 participating team members, and over 1000 attendees on the 3 days of the event.
Rising Star AwardRobotBirdsGreece
Judges' Award 1Sparkling StarsPakistan
Judges' Award 2EurekaIndia
Judges' Award 1Astro-FusionLebanon
Robot PerformanceFranco-DroidBrazil
Robot PerformanceM-RastTurkey
Robot Performance ChampionROCCanada
Research AwardRobo Lyon KidsFrance
Research AwardJr. RoboformersTurkey
Research Award ChampionAMBERLithuania
Innovative Solution AwardMyCoLlegoItaly
Innovative Solution AwardEco RobotsSlovenia
Innovative Solution Award ChampionAnto-TechLebanon
Presentation AwardStars of SpaceTurkey
Presentation AwardDespicable TeamSlovenia
Presentation Award Champion4th VertexLebanon
Strategy & Innovation AwardTechno NerdsIndia
Strategy & Innovation AwardM-RastTurkey
Strategy & Innovation Award ChampionInfinite RocketsJapan
Programming AwardInter-Galactic MafiaIndia
Programming AwardEnigma Robotics TeamLebanon
Programming Award ChampionSAPpersHungary
Mechanical Design AwardConnectadosBrazil
Mechanical Design AwardFabulous PartyJapan
Mechanical Design Award ChampionGalaxy ForcesBrazil
Teamwork AwardWSTASpain
Teamwork AwardINSOMNIAIndia
Teamwork Award ChampionTeam ExpendablesEgypt
Inspiration AwardIncredibotsUnited Arab Emirates
Inspiration AwardSpace WalkersNorth Macedonia
Inspiration Award ChampionTKLA Sci-Bono Space AntsSouth Africa
Gracious Professionalism AwardC'est La VieGreece
Gracious Professionalism AwardKiborgs.UAUkraine
Gracious Professionalism Award ChampionNo FearLebanon
ChampionTic Tac ToeLebanon