Falcone (TV series)
Falcone is an American crime drama television series that ran for one season on CBS from April 4 until April 12, 2000. The story follows Joseph D. Pistone, an FBI agent who goes undercover to bring down the Mafia. The events depicted were based on a true story, which was also portrayed in the film Donnie Brasco, which was originally on the autobiographical book by Joseph D. Pistone and Richard Woodley.Cast
- Jason Gedrick as Joseph D. Pistone/"Joe Falcone"
- Sonny Marinelli as Jimmy Suits
- P. R. Paul as Pasche
- Allan Steele as Sally Soaps
- Eric Roberts as Raymond "The Madman" Ricci
- Leo Rossi as Noah Dietrich
- Titus Welliver as Santino 'Sonny' Napoli
- Amy Carlson as Maggie Pistone
- Lillo Brancato, Jr. as Alberto 'Lucky' Fema